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Your POV:

We arrived outside the forest of mirkwood and I understood completely why they had changed the name from greenwood to mirkwood. The forest was dark and dense, the trees looked like they were withering and dead. "The elves really need to do a better job of looking after their forest." I muttered quietly earning a quiet snort from Kili beside me.

"This forest feels sick." said Bilbo from the front. "Is there no way around?"

"Only if you want to go two hundred miles north." replied Gandalf "Or twice that distance south." Gandalf then walked into the forest while we stood outside unloading our stuff from the ponies and then releasing them.

 Suddenly he ran back out shouting "NOT MY HORSE, I NEED IT." Mutters of confusion were heard from all the dwarves. "Your not leaving us." said Bilbo in confusion.

"I assure you I would not do this unless I had to." Gandalf then moved to jump onto his horse. "This is not the greenwood of old, the very air of the forest is heavy, with illusion it will seek to enter your mind. Lead you astray. You must stay on the path do not leave it if you do you'll never find it again."

We entered the forest and began following the path behind Thorin. After a while the dwarves began to complain. 

"Air. I need air."

"My heads swimming."

"What's happening."

Suddenly we stopped and at the front Thorin said "Keep moving. Nori why have we stopped?"

 "The path it's disappeared."

I walked passed the rest of the dwarves to see we had come to a dead end with a cliff. "Find it." said Thorin "All of you look."

We spent what seemed like hours walking around the forest searching for the path but obviously to no avail. Voices of the other dwarves swam in my head and it felt as if the world was spinning around me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped only to turn and see Kili. "Hey you okay." He asked worry masking his face. "Yeah just jumpy there's something in this forest that definitely isn't a friend." Kili nodded and we continued to walk around.

Ori suddenly stopped to bend down and pick something up. "Look." he said holding one of the dwarves poaches. "A tobacco poach, there are dwarves in these woods." said Dori. Bofur then walked over and took the poach out of his hands "Dwarves from the blue mountains no less this is exactly the same as mine."

I sighed in exasperation and walked forward, "Yes Bofur that's because it is yours. We're going round in circles. We're lost."

"We are not lost." said the ever stubborn Thorin "We just need to keep heading east."

All the dwarves then started arguing about with way would be best to go until everything was shrouded in sudden darkness.


I found myself hanging upside down covered in a thick sticky material and slowly descending. I felt myself touch the ground and I quickly fought my way out to see the rest of the dwarves in the same predicament. I looked around and noticed that Bilbo was not there. "Where's Bilbo." I said.

A cry of "I'm up here." could be heard before we realised that we were surrounded by spiders. We brought out our weapons and started to slash at the spiders. One landed on Bombur so we grabbed it's legs and pulled hard causing them to break from it's body. A spider wrapped it's legs around Kili so I shot it quickly causing it to lose it's grip so Kili could kill it.

Suddenly there wasn't the crawling sound of spiders that there was before. I looked around and we were no longer surrounded by spiders but instead a bunch of hard faced elves. A familiar ellon with long snow blonde hair and piercing blue eyes holds a bow pointed at Thorin. "Do not think I will not kill you dwarf." the elf said bitterly "It would be my pleasure."

The Desolation of Smaug (Kili x reader) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now