Lets go home

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Y/n awoke in a dark room, confused to where she was. She look around and immediately remembers the events of yesterday afternoon. The room appeared empty until she noticed a sleeping figure next to her. Felix sat in a chair next to her bed, body draped over the edge of the mattress, eyes closed and sleeping peacefully. His face was facing y/n and his hand was rest against her own, yet not quite holding it. Y/n could feel her breath hitch and she looked at the sleeping boy. In the dark she could barely make out his facial features, but the silhouette of a button nose with pouted lips were enough to tell her who it was. She was tempted to reach out and grab his hand. After all, it wasn't far away, it would be easy to do without waking him up. She decided to do so and reached out, gently lifting his hand up and lacing their fingers together. Her heart was beating incredibly fast, so fast she thought briefly of calling a nurse. So many thoughts were running through her head in that moment. Why did I do this? It doesn't mean anything. All of the boys and I are touchy to an extent. This isn't out the ordinary. Except I usually don't feel like this. Felix then moved, letting out a small groan and lifting his head. This quickly snapped y/n out of her thoughts as she quickly pulled her hand away, praying the boy wouldn't notice.

"Y/n? You're awake? Go back to sleep, we have to leave in the morning. You should rest while you can..." He spoke.

"Felix, aren't you uncomfortable sleeping there? Why don't you lie down on the couch over there?"

"I just wanted to sleep as close to you as possible..." As Felix said this, he was already drifting back asleep. Leaving y/n in a state of flustered confusion. Why would he say that?? Doesn't he know how it sounds?! She was thankful for the dark room hiding her blushing cheeks, despite Felix already being asleep. She turned around to face her back towards him and squeezed her eyes shut. Forcing her self to fall back asleep and ignore what he had just said to her.

When y/n awoke the morning, the clock read 7:42 am, and Felix was no where to be seen in the room. Just a moment later, Felix walked in holding a couple muffins in his hand.

"Oh! I'm glad you're awake. I was just about to wake you up if you weren't by the time I got back... here! I got you a muffin from the cafeteria. You have to check out of your room at 8... we can go back to the dorm then"

Y/n graciously accepted the muffin and took a bite. She ate breakfast in mostly silence, sharing only a few words with Felix. Soon the doctor came into the room and Sua changed into her regular clothes. Her and Felix were driven back to the dorm by Stray Kids driver. When they reached the door to the dorm, Felix opened it and y/n stepped inside. The door led straight into their living room, where Jeongin was sleeping on the couch. Hyunjin was sitting on his phone, but immediately ran out of the room when y/n entered, not giving her any time to speak.

"Is y/n back??" Jisung spoke in the other room. Soon he came rushing in and dove straight into Y/n's arms. "Y/n! I'm so sorry! We didn't mean to make you work that hard!!" She hugged him back tight and smiled to herself, grateful her friend was worried about her.

"Jisung, shhh Jeongin's sleeping. You didn't make me work too hard~ you don't have to feel bad." After hugging her for a few seconds more, Jisung pushed y/n into her bedroom, demanding she lay down and get more rest. She sprawled into her bed and closed her eyes, just relaxing her body. It must've only been ten minutes before y/n got another knock on her door. She stood up to answer it and was met with a puffy eyes Jeongin.

"I was waiting for you to come home. I didn't mean to fall asleep. Only Felix was allowed to stay with you. I'm so sorry" It was obvious the boy was holding back his tears and y/n felt her heart break. In her mind, there was no reason for any of the guys to feel guilty. She had neglected her health on her own.

"Aww Innie. Don't cry. You didn't do anything. Come in here with me. Let's sleep in longer." Jeongin nodded and followed y/n to her bed. They layed down and snuggled up close with eachother. There were no romantic feelings between them, just platonic love for one another. Jeongin and her were especially close, due to him being one of the only members she attended school with. The pair quickly drifted to sleep, allowing an hour or so more of rest.

After waking up, y/n noticed a notification on her phone.

~Y/N/N! I'm flying in this evening. Lunch tmr?

This made Y/n's face light up. It had been so long since she had seen them and couldn't wait to talk and catch up. She sent out a quick reply.

~ok! I'll be waiting for you to pick me up

~as always.

After the short text conversation, y/n glanced and Jeongin, who was still asleep. She decided to let him rest longer and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. When she got there the boys were already eating. Changbin, Chan, and Hyunjin were seated at the table. As soon as she walking into the room Changbin stood up.

"Y/n! Here sit here. I have a plate for you."

"Changbin it's fine, I can't get it on my own-"

"NO you can't! I have it here. Don't worry about it." Changbin seemed determined to serve her so she let him be. Hyunjin wouldn't look up from his plate and continued eating the food in front of him.

"Good morning Chan, good morning Hyunjin" y/n greeted. This seemed to set something off in Hyunjin, who's reaction was to slam his utensils down. He got up and left the room without saying a word. Y/n stood in shock, she had no idea what had made him so upset, and it hurt her that he was ignoring her. Tension was present in the room and the air felt thick. Chan was the first to speak.

"Ah, sorry about it that... The manager sent you a message. Did you see? You have to take a day off of work every week now."

"I do? I don't think I need it, but I don't want to put up a fight with him... I'll take Saturdays off, so tomorrow. That's okay right?"

"Of course that's okay. Tell the manager."

"Why ask about tomorrow? You have plans?" Changbin injected.

"Actually yeah, I'm going out for lunch, and probably the rest of the afternoon. That won't be a bother right?"

"No. It's no problem for us. Do what you want, it's your day off after all" Chan said said with a small, sweet smile. After that, he got up and left the room. Leaving Changbin and y/n alone to eat.

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