Flying Fist

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Y/n opened the door to Jungkooks car, and jumped into the passenger seat.

"Y/n, seriously are you doing alright?"

Y/n stared ahead out the windshield, looking at the night sky. The sun had only recently set, leaving the sky a dark shade of blue, not quite black yet. 

"It's fine, just start the car Kook let's go."

Jungkook shook his head and turned his keys as the engine purred to life. She stopped calling me Kook after she graduated school, something is definitely bothering her. He thought.

Jungkook took Y/n to a modern looking bar. The inside was lit with colorful lights with sleek furniture and fancy displays. The whole place seemed high class and expensive.

"I'm not sure I can afford this place..." Y/n said.

"Don't worry about it my friend," Jungkook said, giving y/n a friendly slap on the shoulder. "Drinks on me tonight!" He led her to a seat and ordered two drinks for them. It wasn't long before the bar tender handed them the two glasses and Y/n immediately took a huge sip. She wasn't used to drinking so it burned sliding down her throat. She coughed a little but mostly just ignored the pain she felt.

"Okay time to confess. What happened?"

"I hate boys." Is all y/n said as a response, while laying her head down on the bar counter.

"Don't tell me it's the guy you mentioned last time! One of the Stray kids guys right? What's his name you never told me which one."

"It's Felix." She mumbled, her tone miserable.

He pulled out his phone and quickly typed something in. Y/n lifted her head curiously, wondering what he was doing.

"Oh! The freckly one with the deep voice!" He exclaimed

She looked at his phone screen to see he had googled "Felix Stray Kids" and was looking at his photo. She scoffed loudly and grabbed the phone from his hand.

"Oh come on! You don't even know their names?! What's wrong with you...." 

"I know most of them.... I just forgot his face" Jungkook mumbled in his defense. "Come on y/n! tell me everything that happened."

Y/n glanced over at Jungkook and read his face. He looked concerned and genuine. Y/n had known him for many years but it wasn't always that he became so caring. It was one of those times where his flirting facade had dropped completely, and he was whole heartedly a close friend. She sighed before drinking more of whatever Jungkook had ordered for her, and turned to begin telling him everything. 

Through out the night the drinks just seemed to keep coming. Y/n was slowly becoming more and more intoxicated. Jungkook was tipsy, but his tolerance was much higher than Y/n's. They kept discussing y/n's trouble through all the drinks. 

"HOLD ON,, so this Jiwon girl was always harassing you??" Jungkooks words dragged out a bit but it was nothing compared to Y/n's sluggish speech.

"yeasss, BUT he musthave niot realzied thee entire time!" She spoke, mostly saying everything right. 

"Y/n, Let's go home now." Jungkook said, slowly lifting his body from the seat. "Where are my keys?" He asked while patting his pockets.

"The man took them." Y/n replied pointing at the bartender.

"Okay.. I'm calling your brother."

Y/n didn't know when Jungkook called or how long they waited but soon Y/n saw Yoongi walking towards them. He spoke quickly with Jungkook, looking annoyed and bothered, but Y/n couldn't understand what they were saying. The next thing she knew Yoongi was putting his arm around her for support and leading her towards the back of the car, Jungkook walking on his own and getting in the passenger seat. When they got to the kids dorm, the two men helped Y/n up to the door. They knocked and Changbin opened the door, surprised at what he saw.

"Y/n?! what's going on?"

"Hey dude, I'm going to take y/n to her room. Can you do me a favor take Jungkook to have a glass of water? Thanks." Yoongi said walking in past Changbin while whispering to his sister. 

Changbin didn't really know how to react but just did as he told, leading Jungkook to the kitchen and handing him a glass to drink.

Jungkook took a few sips before breaking the silence, "I'm not really drunk, so I'll just wait until Yoongi is ready to go."

Suddenly, Felix wondered into the kitchen, looking for a midnight snack. His eyes widened when he saw Jungkook standing in the room.

"What's going on?" He questioned.

"Y/n's pretty drunk, her brother is putting her to bed. I was just giving him a glass of water to sober up." Changbin explained.

"They went out and drunk together?" Felix scoffed. "Figures."

"I'm right here dude. What's that supposed to mean huh?" Jungkook questioned. Jungkook wasn't shy of an attitude as he remembered all that Y/n had told him.

"Just stay out it." Felix rolled his eyes and walked passed Jungkook.

"Stay out of it? How is Jiwon huh? You two still best friends?" Jungkook was clearly provoking him while Changbin watched with wide eyes. His comment made Felix turn around with a frown, confronting Jungkook.

"You don't know anything about the situation so just mind your business. I don't care how long you've known her or-" Felix was cut off by a pain his cheek. He stepped back due the force of what had hit him before realizing it was the man's fist. The pain spread through his face as he reached up to touch his cheek. Changbin tried to step between them but before he could Felix lunged at Jungkook, trying to get in as many punches as he could. Changbin started yelling at them to stop and trying to pull them apart but it was useless. Somehow Jungkook managed to get on top of Felix throwing repeated punched as Felix fought to get him off. 

The commotion caused the others to slowly wake up and come out of their rooms, once they saw the situation the others were immediately knocked out of their sleepy states. Chan started to go for Jungkook, but before he could Yoongi grabbed his younger member buy the collar and yanked him off. Chan went for Felix and checked his face.

"JUNGKOOK!" Yoongi yelled, infuriated at what he had just seen. He smacked the younger on the back of his head. Jungkook scowled but didn't resist. He honestly had never seen Yoongi so mad. "We are leaving." He said to the Stray Kids members, turning to leave the dorm with Jungkook in tow. 

"Hold on! You can't just leave!" Chan yelled out. He was also infuriated and defensive of Felix.

"Yes. We can." Yoongi said not caring what the others yelled at him on the way out.

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