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BTS sat in another interview, one where the interviewer was horrible at asking questions and was clearly only having them on their show for status. The members put on fake smiles and answered each question with fake enthusiasm.

"So! I'm sure Army is dying to know... Is there anyone BTS doesn't get along with? Or Perhaps had any 'professional disputes' with?" The interviewer asked, a little too excited to hear their answer. Taehyung visibly rolled his eyes at the impossibly stupid question while Namjoon stepped up to answer.

"Well I think that everyone has something to bring to the table. There is no one we dislike, and we try to get a long with everyone. I think it's important to respect others views." Namjoon continued on with an answer that shot down the question. 

Meanwhile,  behind Namjoon Jungkook tapped on Yoongi's shoulder. He put his hand up to cover his mouth, but unfortunately is was still visible because of the camera angel. 

He mouthed the words "Stray Kids" with a smirk, causing Yoongi to let out a chuckle and shake his head. Jin picked up on the interaction and shot Jungkook a stern look, telling the younger member to shut up and behave.

Stray kids manager paused the video he was playing on the screen in the meeting room. It had been blowing up on the internet as fans discussed what it all met. Stray kids received a lot of backlash and harsh words from BTS fans, but Stay fought hard to defend them. Their manager sighed and put his head between his hands.

"One of you better explain the full story NOW."

Stray kids sat around the meeting table. They were at a loss for words, unsure what to say in the situation. Felix furrowed his brows, his hate for Jungkook only growing. Chan cursed under his breath, while the other members worried about their reputation. 

"This guy is totally unprofessional! Why is no one hating him for that huh?" Changbin spoke out, frustrated and angry.

"Our PR team has been in contact with theirs, and we have requested that they apologize. The problem is that BTS doesn't seem to want to. In my professional opinion, I'm not sure how far an apology would get us at this point. What caused this, hm? Speak up." Their manager spoke.

"Jungkook got mad about Y/n! The whole thing is just personal feelings." Jeongin said.

"Y/n? Dammit. If this problem continues we may have to let her go."

The boys heads all shot up at his words. "No! You can't fire y/n! She's part of our family and team!" Hyunjin said. Everyone agreed. Even if they were mad at y/n they definitely didn't want her to lose her job.

"Open your eyes. She may be doing you more harm than good. Lay low, don't post anything for now, and don't read any comments. Just stay offline. I'll send you guys an updated schedule later today." Their manager left the room after speaking, leaving Stray Kids alone at the table. 

"Y/n shouldn't have brought him over." Minho spoke.

"She didn't, HE brought HER." Jeongin defended the girl.

"She went out drinking with him! She's dating Felix, why did she go out with another guy anyway?" Seungmin questioned.

"It obviously all breaks down to that girl! Jiwon was it? She had bad vibes as soon as I met her!" Hyunjin added.

"Honestly I don't care if Y/n is friends with Jungkook I'm going to kill him if ever see him again." Changbin said while crossing his arms and leaning back into his chair.

"Oh please, that would only make it worse. Poor Y/n she's probably freaking out at the dorm right now." Jisung spoke in a concerned tone.

Chan sighed before finally speaking up. "Felix... I don't want to say this but you probably shouldn't date Y/n. It's already caused so mu-"

"NO!" Felix's head shot up as he yelled at his leader. "I'm sorry that it's caused problems but I won't give up on her. I absolutely can't! I don't care if it cost me my career-"

"BUT IT'S NOT YOUR CAREER! It's all of ours! You are costing all of us our dream!" Chan yelled back.

"Then... Then I'll fix it! I will! I won't let you guys take the fall!" Felix said before leaving the room. The other members sat thinking about what to do.

Felix went back to the dorm, his head racing trying to think of ways he could help. As soon as he stepped in through the doorway he saw Y/n run towards him. She had her phone in her hands, and her eyes seemed red from crying.

"Felix! I've been texting Jungkook and Yoongi all morning! Jungkook said he would apologize! He promised he would post it today!"


"Where are the other members? Are they okay? Tell them not to look at the comments! People are being so hateful right now... None of it's true!"

Felix stepped towards Y/n and wrapped his arms around her. Feeling her body warmth was the most comforting thing he could've felt right now, and immediately made him feel better. He temporarily, only for a moment, forgot about all the stressful things going on. Y/n stiffened at first from the touch, but soon melted into his arms. She allowed herself to relax and feel his embrace.

"The other members will be back soon. Do you want help with any chores? It will distract us both..." 

"I guess I do need to fold some laundry..." Y/n said thinking about the piles of clothes she abandoned when she saw the video blowing up. The two spent the rest of their free time cleaning up the house and doing anything they could to feel somewhat productive and helpful.

Later that afternoon y/n sat with all 8 members and their manager, refreshing the BTS page on their screens.

"Yoongi said they were posting it at 4:00 pm.. why isn't it up yet?" Y/n asked nervously.

"Just wait a minute... keep refreshing." Jisung said.

Finally the message appeared their screens. They all jumped and read it quickly as they could.

I am greatly sorry for the harmful words I spoke that day. I would like to retract that statement as it is in no way truthful or representative of those harmed. -Jungkook, Big Hit Ent.

Y/n's face fell when she read the message.

"What? That's it?" She said half heartedly, tears threatening her eyes. 

Stray Kids manager cursed and left the room, hurriedly making calls to whoever would answer.

Changbin read the comments already showing up underneath and let out a sigh. The weak apology was having no effect on the fans. Felix once again felt the familiar hate and anger rise in his chest. There was practically steam coming out of the boys ears.

"It's pathetic and useless." Chan said, slamming his laptop closed putting his head between his hands.

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