Break up

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"Alright guys how do I look?"

"mm give me a twirl." Minho said.

Y/n did as her friend asked and twirled in her dress for the 8 boys. She was wearing a beautiful red dress that managed to be casual yet fancy. It flattered her figure and made her dark long hair stand out as it fell down her shoulders and back.

"Remind me again of the occasion?" Changbin asked.

"I meeting up with Zuho for dinner. It's already been a year since we've been dating and he says he has something important to tell me!" She explained. Y/n didn't know what it's about but she thought she had a pretty good idea....

"you don't think... is he going to propose?!" shouted out Jisung. All the boys gasped and smiled. It was clear they were excited for their friend, all expect one, a certain boy with freckles who's smile seemed a little too forced.

"ahhhhh guys I don't know!! probably not, we are so young!! Maybe just promise rings!" Y/n put her hands to her cheeks as she could feel the heat rushing to them. "I should probably go now! I don't want to make him wait! You guys will have to find dinner yourselves, there are leftovers in the fridge if you want that!" She yelled back as she left the dorm.

"guys... we should follow her and see how it goes!" Jisung suggested.

"I'm in favor of that!" added on Felix.

"No! It's her private life you need to be mature about this." Chan said sternly.

"oh come on.. aren't you at least a bit curious?" Hyunjin asked.

"If he really does propose we could miss this very important moment in our sweet Sua's life!!" Minho said.

"Why do I need to be a spy about it? Im sure she would just come home and tell us everything." Seungmin said shrugging.

"I couldn't stand to not witness this life changing moment!! I have to gooo." Whined Changbin.

"You guys are so nosey!! It's an invasion of privacy! I'm staying right here at home." Jeongin huffed while sitting down.

"Suit yourself. Me, Felix, and Changbin are DEFINITELY going!" Jisung said as the three ran off together.


At the restaurant

Felix, Changbin, and Jisung were all seated at a table, wearing mask and hats to hide their faces.

"I see him! He's sitting right over there.. y/n must still be in the bathroom." Said Changbin.

But something else across the restaurant caught Felix's attention."hey... look over there isn't that..."

"*gasp* Chan! and Innie too!" Jisung exclaimed.

"They were all talk! Trying to convince us not to come when they came them selves!!" Changbin yelled out.

Felix looked around again and noticed something else... "OH MY GOSH! Minho, Seungmin, and Hyunjin are also here! Look! In that corner table!"

"So it looks like we all came...Look! Y/n is going to the table!"

Y/n walked over to meet her boyfriend at the table. The restaurant he picked was truly amazing. The atmosphere was so romantic and elegant. She noticed he looked a little nervous and giggled to herself. "hey Zuho!" she said sitting down and opening the menu. "The are so many good choices! I don't know what to get!"

"uhhh-y/n actually.. you probably shouldn't order."

She was confused for a second but then realized what he meant. "Oh! Did you already order for me?"

"No its not that. We need to talk. Actually I-"


Y/n looked up to see who just called her boyfriend babe to see a girl standing at the table. Now y/n really had no idea what was going and looked at her boyfriend to see what his reaction would be.

"Baby! You came early! I was just about to tell her..."

baby? tell me what?? what is going on??? Y/n thought to herself. She just stared blankly waiting for Zuho to continue. Nothing had really registered in her mind yet.

"Y/n.. I think we need to break up. I'm in love with someone else and no longer have feelings for you. I'm sorry.."

Y/n felt her heart shatter and couldn't even move. His words replayed over and over again in her mind. She didn't understand at all. She couldn't help but compare herself to the girl standing in front of her. She looked like a model with gorgeous features and slim body. Y/n suddenly felt self-conscious about her own looks and quickly looked down at her lap.

"aren't you going to leave?" The girl questioned with an annoyed tone. Y/n quickly got up and ran out of the restaurant, not bothering to look up. She could feel tears threatening to fall which only made her rush faster. Y/n wanted nothing more than to be home at the dorm. The boys all watched in confusion. They were too far away to hear exactly what was said but the scene was enough to piece together. After y/n left the girl sat down across from Zuho, and the two looked like a regular couple, as if y/n was never involved. Felix was boiling with anger. He quickly stormed over to the table and grabbed Zuho by his shirt collar. All of the boys just watched in shock as Felix yelled in his face.

"What did you do?! huh?! What did you say to her!?"

"look man.. I don't want trouble... I'm just trying to have dinner with my girlfriend.."

When Felix heard Zuho call the women his girlfriend so casually he couldn't hold it in anymore. How could he say that so easily after dating y/n for so long? After that, everything went so fast. Felix punched him across the jaw and saw his lip start to bleed. Chan made it to Felix first to pull him off. The rest of the boys ran over to help Chan. Chan was holding Felix back as kept trying to lunge at Zuho. The boys managed to lead Felix out of the restaurant where he finally managed to calm down. He took a deep breath and put his head in his hands. No one knew what to say to each other.

"Felix.. you can't do that! you're lucky you were wearing a mask!" Chan scolded.

"No one stopped me when I grabbed him. He deserved it! You all saw what he did to y/n! And then he called that girl his girlfriend like it was nothing!"

Everyone was silent. He was right. No one stopped him when he stormed over there or when he grabbed Zuho by his collar. Everyone knew the reason deep down but wouldn't admit it. They all thought he deserved it and wanted to see him get hit.

"We should go back to the dorm.. y/n is probably there.." Jeongin quietly said and all the boys started walking in the direction of home.

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