Friends again

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For the rest of the day, the members acted weird towards y/n. Changbin was overly babying her, Seungmin was silent, but helpful, Jisung was overly dramatic about everything she did, Minho was yelling at people to not be rude and help her, telling them to not let y/n do all the work but not actually helping himself, while Chan seemed to sugar coat everything he said to the girl. Felix and Jeongin were the most normal toward her, mostly acting like nothing had happened. She had never expected the night at the hospital to have affected things this much. Y/n hoped they would get over it soon, and return to the way things used to be. She hoped more than anyone for Hyunjin to go back to normal. He was ignoring her to no end, leaving every time she entered a room, and even giving rude faces and rolling his eyes. It hurt y/n to see him like this, and when she tried to talk to him about it he would just continue his silent treatment. Her face fell as he once again walked away from her in their apartment.

"Y/n... don't pay him attention, it's not personal. He's not upset with YOU, just... something else." Felix comforted.

"Yeah... I guess... anyways Felix! Can you help me? I need to choose an outfit for my plans tomorrow!"

"Plans? What plans are so important you have to get my advice for an outfit?"

"I'm meeting someone I haven't seen in a long time."

"It's not a boy is it ??" Felix questioned. Y/n could see he was hoping the answer was no. He was so easy to read.

"Hmm actually, it is a boy" Felix's face clearly fell, and y/n could see him processing what she said. It wasn't a lie .. but definitely misleading. But she wanted to see how he would react, she couldn't help it.

"Whatever, you have better fashion sense than me. You'll figure it out." Felix said while turning around and leaving. The reaction was slightly disappointing to y/n, but she just shrugged and went to her room.

The next morning, y/n woke up and made breakfast for the boys as usual, but noticed someone missing from the table.

"Where is Hyunjin?"

They looked around and also noticed his absence when Seungmin spoke,

"He has a bit of a cold I think .. sore throat or something. He's still in bed"

"I hope it doesn't affect his vocals." Changbin remarked, thinking about how they were scheduled to record a few things in the afternoon.

Y/n left the breakfast room and went to see Hyunjin in bed. When she walked in the room, he turned over on his side, putting his back towards her and facing the wall. How long is he going to ignore me ...

"Hyunjin? Are you okay? Do you want medicine"

The room was silent, Hyunjin being to stubborn to reply.

"I'll go make you some tea okay? Seungmin said your throat hurt, that will help." Y/n sighed and answered while turning to leave the room. Hyunjin then turned his head around to face her, an annoyed expression on his face.

"I don't really need anything from YOU"

It stung a bit to hear them say this, it seemed quite out of character for him. Hyunjin was usually so fun and animated. Y/n just ignored his words and went to make him tea anyways. After boiling the water and making the drink, she gave it to Seungmin to deliver. She didn't want to annoy the sick boy anymore.

With Hyunjin taken care of, y/n got dressed for the day. She had been waiting for her plans excitedly, and was counting down the minuets until her ride would come pick her up.

After getting dressed she went to wait in the living room, where Felix and Jisung were playing video games.

"Cute outfit y/n! You trying to impress someone?" Jisung asked while pausing the game.

"Not really impress.. more like.. show that I'm doing well! You think it's nice? Felix wouldn't help me chose." After saying the last sentence, y/n glanced over at Felix, holding a stare with certainty. He was admiring her, his eyes filled with a sweet kind of appreciation, until he remember what she had said yesterday about who y/n was meeting.

"Yeah. I'm sure HE will love it." Felix put emphasis on the word, and glanced away with furrowed brows.

"He ?!? Y/n it's a boy ?!?" Jisung said, clearly excited at the idea.

"Don't make it weird!" She said as her phone dinged. She glanced down at the message that read

~I'm here.

Just then Jeongin came into the living room.

"Y/n.. Hyunjin wants more tea I think."

"I'll make some!" She looked over at Felix and Jisung and asked, "he's here but I can tell him to come up right? You'll keep him company for a second." She didn't wait for their reply before hastily typing on the phone and running to kitchen to make tea. The two boys on the couch just stared, confused as to how they were supposed to entertain their soon arriving guest. Soon, a knock was heard on the door and Jeongin, Jisung, and Felix all turned their heads to look.

"Go answer." Jisung said to Felix.

"Not me you do it!"

"Hurry he's waiting!" Jeongin whisper yelled with wide eyes.

Jisung cursed and ran to get the doors, opening it quickly.

"Hi! Welcome! Come in-" Jisung froze when he recognized the person standing in front of them. The two other boys peaked over, also standing in shock.

The man stepped inside the room and glanced around, studying their decor.

"S-suga!! Welcome in! I'm a big fan of your producing work!" Jisung said with wide eyes, clearly flustered by the situation. Felix was stunned, as well as Jeongin. They could not believe y/n knew someone like this and had never mentioned it.

"Ahh don't be so formal. You're close with y/n yeah? You can just call me Yoongi" he spoke with a sheepish grin.

"Yooooongi! I'll come in a minute. Talk to them or something!" Y/n called from the kitchen.

"Y/n don't you think you should tend to your guest?" Jeongin called with a tight smile and clenched teeth. Felix was finally the one to step up and properly greet their guest, leading him towards the coach so they could sit and wait. Y/n just ignored her friends and went to bring the now made tea to Hyunjin. She gently knocked on the door before stepping into the bedroom. The scene was similar to the morning, with Hyunjin lying toward the wall, not glancing over.

"Here, I made you more tea. Are you feeling better?" Y/n asked while setting the tea down on the nightstand. She was hoping to get a reply but wasn't surprised when room stayed silent.

"I have to go now, make sure you're taking care of yourself. I think Changbin is still expecting you in the studio today at 4." Her voice was clearly sad, and Hyunjin was beginning to feel guilty. When y/n turned to walk out the room, Hyunjin leaned over and grabbed her wrist, looking up with tearful eyes. Seeing the boy in this state almost pushed y/n to cry as well.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you. But it's our fault. We have you too much work and you went to the hospital. You shouldn't be doing stuff for us like this. I just didn't want you to do chores for me anymore. It's all our fault I'm so sorry." It was the first time Hyunjin has spoken to y/n in days, and hearing his voice made her happy, but the words he spoke broke her heart.

"Oh Hyunjin! Of course it not your fault, you know I do all of this stuff willingly? Plus I get paid. Please don't feel guilty."

After y/n spoke, Hyunjin gave her a tight hug, and small sniffles were heard coming from him. Y/n was overjoyed the boy was no acknowledging her presences, but couldn't help but shed a tear or two, just from hearing her close friend cry.

"Please rest more Hyunjin. Text me if you need anything okay?"

"Okay, I heard you were going out with someone today y/n. Have fun." He said before climbing back into bed. Y/n walked back out into the living room where she had left yoongi waiting. It was odd to see him sitting with her roommates on the couch, and almost made her want to giggle. She swiftly walked over to the door and beckoned yoongi to follow.

"Goodbye! I'll be back later!" Y/n called before heading out for the day.

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