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Yeonjun had no idea why he felt so energetic.

The late afternoon had set in, and Choi Yeonjun found himself at Soobin's house, with a half empty cup of hot ginseng tea sat on the bedside table.

Soobin laid down on the bed right next to him, playing with the strings of Yeonjun's hoodie while the elder sipped his drink.
It was almost a little too close, as the feeling of Soobin's shoulder up against his own made him just the tiniest bit antsy.

"How are you feeling?" Soobin inquired as the elder set down his tea.

Yeonjun blinked, registering the fact that he felt scarily good at the moment.
"Way better, actually. Thanks."

Soobin gave a soft laugh at this. "Why are you thanking me? I didn't do anything."

You did,
Yeonjun thought, yet outwardly he only shrugged. "No reason," he said, giving the other a warm smile.

Soobin let out a breath, lying fully down on his bed and looking up at the ceiling. Yeonjun's eyes lingered at the boy's thin waist for a second, ignoring all the thoughts of wrapping his arms around it and holding him.

His mind went hazy for a moment, something distracting him from rational thought. He was overcome with the urge to be closer to the other, and as if his brain was on autopilot, Yeonjun sat up, looking down at him.

"Hm?" Soobin questioned as Yeonjun knelt on the bed, holding eye contact with him.

"Put your phone down," Yeonjun ordered softly, seeing the device in Soobin's hand and therefore in the way. Soobin obeyed, although with a rightfully wary expression.

Yeonjun crawled on top of the younger boy, the warmth of Soobin's body like a magnet to him. He buried his face against Soobin's neck, not knowing why he craved this more than anything else right now.

"Um, Jun..." Soobin mumbled the elder's name, a bit flustered as he felt him breathing against his skin.

"Yeah, baby?" Yeonjun returned on instinct, his eyes closed.

Soobin's brain malfunctioned at this.
"Nothing... never mind," he dismissed it. Whatever the hell was happening right now, he was going to enjoy it to the fullest.

Yeonjun left a couple of soft kisses against Soobin's neck, lightly laughing afterwards.
"God, how cute..." he murmured against his skin, making chills run down Soobin's spine.

Soobin nuzzled into Yeonjun's hair, noticing the scent of sweet vanilla there to greet him.

All at once, it struck him that this was incredibly intimate, and he had no idea if they could return to being normal friends after whatever this was.
Although, to be fair, they had been in the weird vague kissy stage for a little while now.

Soobin almost jumped at the feeling of Yeonjun's hands gripping his waist, as if to keep themselves occupied while their owner snuggled up to the younger.

The boy nearly had a heart attack as he heard the distant sound of the front door to his house opening.

"Soobin!" his mother yelled from far away. "Are you home, sweetie?"

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