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Soobin padded down the hall, a tray of snacks in his hands that he desperately tried not to spill.

It was currently the late afternoon. Yeonjun and Soobin had gone to get boba tea as soon as school had let out, and eventually made their way back to Soobin's house.

After a while of chatting and finishing up their drinks, Soobin had opted to go to the kitchen and gather some snacks. Fifteen minutes later he found himself walking back over to his room, a pile of snacks in his possession.

Soobin struggled to open his bedroom door without spilling the food, yet got it after a moment of trying.

"Jun, I brought..." Soobin began, yet halted in his footsteps as he took in the sight of the other boy curled up on his bed, eyes closed.

Soobin stared at the elder for a moment, before scurrying over to gently set the tray of snacks on his bedside table.

Soobin sat on the edge of his bed, glancing towards the sleeping Yeonjun. Soobin swore he hadn't been gone that long... maybe Yeonjun had stayed up late the previous night?

Soobin shrugged it off. He leaned against the headboard of his bed and took out his phone, answering his DMs to pass the time.

The room remained peacefully silent. Soobin's tapping of the phone screen was the only sound heard in the warm room, alongside his occasional movement.

"Uhm..." the confused voice of Yeonjun came, the elder boy blinking as his consciousness returned to him.

"Morning," Soobin said jokingly. The other boy sat up instantly, embarrassment washing over his face.

"Shit, I'm so sorry," Yeonjun said, smoothing out the bedsheet where he'd been laying. "I didn't mean to, I just..."

"It's fine? Nap if you want, I don't care," Soobin laughed, not knowing why he would be so embarrassed about it.

Yeonjun only sighed, leaning back against the headboard like Soobin was doing.

"I'm awake now. I'm good," Yeonjun said, running a hand through his hair.

"I brought snacks," Soobin said, leaning over to grab the tray of said items. He placed it on the bed between them, making it easy for Yeonjun to dig through the pile.

"What do you wanna do now?" Yeonjun questioned as he pulled out a bag of candies, turning it over to read the ingredients.

Soobin shrugged. "I don't know. Play a game or something?"

"Alright. Twenty questions, you go first," Yeonjun decided as he tore open the bag.

Soobin paused, not expecting the sudden decision, yet a dull excitement told him to just go with the game.
He thought for a second, wanting to choose a decent question.

"Favorite song?" Soobin asked, starting off basic.

Yeonjun shook his head immediately. "Too many. I can send you my playlist, though?" he answered honestly. Soobin nodded in return, relating himself.

"Favorite memory?" Yeonjun took his turn.

Soobin paused, thinking over his options.
"Probably when me and Yeji went to Jeju a few years back," he recalled, one of the most fun memories with his best friend.

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