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The loud banter of students echoed in the hallways, lockers slamming as the kids grabbed their belongings.

Soobin walked silently down the hallway, heading to his own locker. He wasn't in any particular hurry to leave now that class had gotten out, and took his time to stroll to his destination.

He looked down the hall, seeing Yeji engaged in conversation with a girl he didn't recognize. Soobin internally sighed. He couldn't go up to her now, crossing his best friend off the list of solutions to his boredom.

The trip to his locker was rather quick, and before Soobin knew it he'd grabbed his things and was completely ready to leave. Yet...

Something didn't feel right. He lingered in front of his locker, glancing at every person who walked by.

He had stood in place for around fifteen minutes, looking at some YouTube video on his phone, when he felt the unmistakable sensation of being watched.

Soobin looked up, scanning the area only to see the regular students passing by.

Yeah, something was definitely wrong. Soobin, slightly suspicious, returned to using his phone despite paying now greater attention to his surroundings.

The feeling immediately returned. Soobin forced himself to not look up, wanting to see how the situation would play out.

The sound of light footsteps pattered over, before a bang on the locker next to him startled the hell out of Soobin.

He looked to his side, seeing a boy around his height leaning against the wall. A mischievous smile graced the boy's face as he looked Soobin up and down.

"Soobin?" he spoke, almost sending said teen into fight or flight mode.

"Yeah...?" Soobin responded, staring at the face of the other boy. Did he know him? Soobin felt too embarrassed to ask the boy if they'd ever met before, in fear that they had and he didn't remember.

The boy grinned, just wide enough for Soobin to catch a glimpse of his teeth.

He blinked upon seeing the other's sharper than average canines, giving the boy the appearance of a cute vampire. Soobin didn't know why he felt his breath hitch at the sight. Those teeth weren't normal for a human, were they?

"Might as well take a picture if you're gonna stare like that," the boy's voice came, causing Soobin to flinch.

"Oh... sorry, I just..." Soobin, embarrassed, tried to explain himself.

His eyes widened as the other boy stepped forward, delicately tracing a finger along the side of Soobin's neck.

"You gonna stop looking? Or do I have to leave two holes in your pretty skin here?" the boy threatened, his dark tone laced with just a slight air of playfulness.

Soobin had no idea what to do but blink. Who the hell was this guy? And why...?

The sound of Soobin's phone buzzing grabbed both boys' attention. He slipped his phone out of his pocket, thankful for the momentary distraction.

Binnnn ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
Are you still at school?
There's this place near here that makes good dalgona coffee... if u get what I'm sayin 👀

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