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The sky was dark, and Yeonjun sat nervously on his bed as the doorbell rang, nearly causing him to jump out of his skin.

"Fuck," was all Yeonjun could mutter, having been nervously awaiting Soobin's arrival this whole time.
He had to force himself to stand up, despite the fact that all of his limbs felt shaky, and he dashed out towards the hallway.

The doorbell rang again, as if the person standing behind it was growing impatient.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming babe!" Yeonjun called out, wanting the incessant ringing to stop.
He made it over to the door in a minute, and quickly unlocked it, swinging it open.

"Who are you calling babe, kid?"

Yeonjun froze as he came face to face with an older man, wearing a leather jacket and jeans straight outta the 1950's, standing with his hands in his pockets at the doorway. The man's deep voice was accompanied by a warm grin sent towards the boy.

"Dad...?" Yeonjun murmured after a moment of staring.

Dear god, of all the times his father could show up out of the blue, why did it have to be now?

"Wh... why are you here?" Yeonjun questioned frantically as his father pushed past him and walked into the house, setting the bag he'd brought with him on their couch nearby.

"Just thought I'd drop by and visit. It's Lupercalia tomorrow, right? I brought your mom some flowers," the father explained with a smile, pulling a bouquet out of his bag.

"That's... really nice of you dad, but," Yeonjun fidgeted, glancing between the older man and the front door, "I'm kinda, uh, busy right now...? This is a bad time."

The father only raised his eyebrows at this.
"Well you sure don't look like you're doing anything."

"No! I'm, um, expecting someone over," the son explained awkwardly, trying his hardest to avoid any questioning by his father.

The man looked Yeonjun up and down for a moment, before gaining a mischievous smirk.
"Ah, your mom did mention you have a boyfriend now. You invited him over for the holidays?"

"No," Yeonjun quickly denied, before pausing.
"Well... maybe."

The father only grinned at this, as if proud of his son.
"You think this one's serious? You've never brought any of your past partners to the holidays before," he commented, Yeonjun staring at him wide eyed.

"How did you know that...?"

"Your mom tells me everything, hun," the dad crossed his arms, retaining his signature grin.
"So? What's the deal?"

Yeonjun shifted back and forth on his heels nervously as he was questioned. He couldn't help but notice his father's sharp fangs poking out in his smile. The telltale sign of his true nature.

"Well... yeah, he's serious," Yeonjun admitted cautiously.
"I was, um, actually thinking about doing the Ceremony with him..."

The father immediately gasped at this.
"Are you sure?" he questioned, a bit shocked. "Your mother and I didn't do that until we were months into dating."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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