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Soobin woke up to the sound of a door slamming.

It was a Sunday morning, and a brief glance at the clock told him that whatever was going on, he didn't particularly care enough about to get involved this early.

"Why the fuck do you always waste money on shit like this?"
a deep male voice yelled from somewhere off in the house, followed by disappearing footsteps.

On second thought, maybe Soobin didn't want to stay at home today.

He exhaled, slipping out of bed and stretching. He didn't bother glancing in the mirror, he only pulled some random clothes from his dresser and headed to the bathroom.

With the water of the shower running, he thankfully couldn't hear the shouting match occurring outside. Besides, a morning shower would probably wake him up better anyway.

Almost immediately after Soobin had undressed and stepped into the shower, his phone buzzed on the countertop. He nearly groaned in annoyance, leaning out to see who had texted him.

Listen I'm kinda worried rn
I think it's best if we don't meet at the thing Monday after all...
Gyu told me that he heard abt some mugging going on

Soobin grabbed his phone off of the counter, staring at the message. What the hell did that mean?



Umm that wasn't meant for u
Ignore please 😘

yeonjun what the fuck


Soobin only gave his phone screen a concerned look, more so upon realizing the elder had left him on read. That wasn't a very Yeonjun type of thing to do.

He set his phone face down on the counter, trying to put it out of his thoughts as he quickly rinsed off, the warm water helping him to feel less like he'd only just woken up.

He stepped out of the shower after a few minutes, as he was somewhat hurrying to get ready.
As soon as he slipped on his pants and t-shirt he hurried out of the bathroom (remembering to grab his phone, of course).

On any regular Sunday, Soobin would probably be found sleeping in his bed by this time, spending the whole day to get away from life and rest.

Thanks to his parents being noisy again, that option was taken from him. Therefore he now made his way to the front door of his house, unlocking it and stepping out.

All he needed was somewhere to go.

He honestly didn't have any certain place he particularly wanted to be at. Yeji's place was farther than he wanted to walk, and Yeonjun's house was...

Actually, on second thought, there was no problem with going to Yeonjun's.

Soobin took his phone out, debating whether or not to text the boy he was coming over. After all, he didn't know if dropping in unannounced would be annoying or not.

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