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Soobin nearly had a heart
attack as someone tackled him from behind, the weight of someone clinging to his back nearly knocking him over as he walked towards his morning class.

"Shit—" he blurted out as he stumbled forward, looking back only to get hit in the face by long black hair.

"I'm gonna kill you. Do you know how hard I had to cover for your ass last night?" Yeji ranted, her koala grip on Soobin easily allowing her to shake his shoulders in protest.

"What...? Girl, my spine, holy shit," Soobin complained, the unexpected piggy back ride taking a toll on him.
"At least do it right so you don't kill me," he insisted, holding Yeji's legs up to take the weight off of his back.

Yeji rested her head on Soobin's shoulder.
"Your parents called me the fuck up at like 1 in the morning, asking where you were," she said, exasperated.

"Oops," was all Soobin said, gathering his balance and strolling slowly down the hallway. It was early, and he didn't particularly care about getting to class soon.

"Oops? You're lucky I put in so much effort, I had to text like five people and ask them if they had you," Yeji whined, playfully hitting Soobin's shoulder.

"I was at Jun's place," Soobin commented, with Yeji giving him a look that said she already had figured that.

"Yeah, I know. I had to go find Yeonjun on insta and text him because we weren't even mutuals," she explained.

Soobin blinked at this.
"What'd you tell my parents?" he asked.

"I said you were with me, but they wanted a picture, so..." Yeji paused, her reasoning implied by this. "I had to get Yeonjun to send me one," she stated.

Soobin internally cringed at the thought of how many pictures of him must be on Yeonjun's phone.

"Anyway. Your parents were fine with it. I think they still kinda wish we were dating, though, considering they called me," Yeji finished, bursting out into laughter at the disgusted look Soobin gave her.

"Don't even make me think about that," Soobin responded, Yeji still cracking up behind him.

"Shittt, as if I wanna think about that? Horrifying," Yeji agreed, fake gagging at the idea just to drive the point.

"Wow. Such a good actor," Soobin praised jokingly.

"I know. Actually, speaking of which—" she remembered something, hitting Soobin's arms as to let her down.

Once both feet were on the ground she scurried to stand in front of Soobin, making eye contact with him.
Soobin already was bracing himself. She only acted like this when asking for a favor.

"Would you mayybee be interested in joining a club?" she said sheepishly, playing with the end of one of her long pigtails.

"What kind of club...? Why?" Soobin inquired. It wasn't like her to partake in activities of the sort.

"Film club. Me and the girls need at least 6 people and there's only 5 of us," Yeji tried to persuade, seeing the hesitant look on Soobin's face.

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