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"You sure you don't want me to get you one?"
came the voice of Yeonjun, who took a sip of his drink as he glanced at the other.

The pair found themselves casually strolling along the sidewalk, passing shops as they chatted about this and that. Yeonjun had caught Soobin staring at his cup of boba tea more than a few times, and simply had to ask.

"No, I'm okay," Soobin insisted, though he was really lying. He definitely had been eyeing Yeonjun's drink in jealousy, wishing he'd bought one himself.

Yeonjun suppressed a grin as he held out his drink in front of Soobin. "Take it," he insisted.

"Oh, no, I'd feel bad..." Soobin tried to argue, but found his gaze lingering on the treasure presented before him. Yeonjun only gave him a look of anticipation.

Soobin sighed, taking the drink from the elder and taking a sip. Yeonjun smiled at this, satisfied, as they continued strolling.

Yeonjun got out his phone, googling something as Soobin took the time to window shop, glancing at all the products displayed in the shops they passed.

"You wanna come thrifting with me?" Yeonjun spoke, grabbing Soobin's attention away from the stores.

"Thrifting...?" Soobin questioned as Yeonjun gave him a look of disbelief.

"Soobin, you have to know what thrifting is," Yeonjun insisted before Soobin could find a chance to explain himself.

"No! No, of course I know what it is, I've just never done it before," he hurriedly explained.

"Today's your lucky day then," Yeonjun announced, shoving his phone in his pocket and featuring for the confused Soobin to follow him.

Within ten minutes they came to a small shop, tucked away in a street corner. Yeonjun swung the door open, gesturing for Soobin to enter first.

He was immediately greeted with the pleasant scent of a burning candle and the sound of older music playing softly in the background.
A bowl of mints sat on a table near the entrance, from which Yeonjun quickly grabbed one and popped it into his mouth.

"Oh, Bin—" Yeonjun gently hit the boy's shoulder to grab his attention.

"Huh?" Soobin spoke as he watched Yeonjun walk over to a small box of items to dig through it. Soobin followed behind him, peeking over his shoulder into the box.

A pile of cheap makeup items and costume jewelry laid in the box, and Yeonjun stopped upon pulling out a small shimmery container.

"Body glitter...?" he read off, gaining an absolutely evil smile. "Fuck yeah, why not?" he laughed, checking the price on the item.

Soobin shook his head in amusement. "When would you ever use that?" he questioned.

"I never said it would end up on me," Yeonjun only shrugged, not so subtly looking Soobin up and down.

Soobin chose to ignore the blatant threat he'd just received. Instead, his mind focused on an article of clothing that caught his eye from across the store.

"Um, I'm gonna go look at the stuff over there," Soobin said somewhat shyly to Yeonjun, gesturing to the area in question.

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