Being unique is the key

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I opened my eyes to see that I was in my room.My mouth was dry and my back hurt but there was this weird feeling coursing threw my body.

"What the hell....?"

"Your finally awake"a calm soothing voice said.

I whipped my head around to be greeted by Eliot's smiling face.

"What happened?" I asked rubbing my head.

"You got your powers"

"Yes!" I screamed raising my hand in the air.

Eliot became quiet. I looked at him to see that he was stuck there. His body was raised in the air but he looked like he was in pain.

Slowly I put my finger  down and he put his wrist down reluctantly.

A ruby red comb was in my hand.

I liftes it up and tried to bend it but when I started my whole body made cracking noises.

"The comb is your life source" Eliot said still hanging from the roof.

"You control people with hair,each of your fingers control different parts of a person's body.
"You are now immortal,as long as the comb doesn't break you will be alive." Eliot explained

"I see the hairs but can you?"I asked letting him down.

"Yes but only the two of us because we are family. You are now dead but alive.

That comb in your hand was used to comb the hair of the dead.

With the comb you have more power so you should keep a spare comb."Eliot explained.

"Ok, I'm gonna go and practice see ya later bro." I said eagerly.

"Alright I'll be in my room" he answered.

*2 days later*

So its been two days since I got my powers and I already mastered them.I have more than one power.

If I say something backwards it happens.

Like levitate boxes=etativel sexob and it happens.

So I went back to school and guess who was there? Icky Vicky.

"Hey slut how ya been?"Vicky snorted.

I put my hands behind my back and started connecting hair into her skin.

"Terrible now that your face is here"I replied lamely so I could let her feel like she was winning.

"Your pathe..."

Before she could reply I made here do a handstand.

"How did I ...."Vicky said confused.

"Llaf no ruoy ecaf dna kraerb ruoy eson"

I chanted.

Vicky was forced face down into the concrete.

"Ouch my nose"Vicky shrieked in pain.

I just laughed ,watching Vicky in pain was amazing

"Your gonna pay bitch"Vicky said while storming towards me.

I made billions of tiny hairs around the whole school so when I step on one it doesn't break.I can walk on hair with ease.

When I do it looks like I'm flying.

"Nrub lla ruoy riah" I chanted while (hint hint) floating in mid air.

"What the.."Vicky said with wide eyes.

"Witch!!"she screamed

She didn't notice her hair was burning until it touched her head.

"Aaaaw you will pay for this Marie rose I promise that" she screamed at me while running.

The rest of day was spent controlling people against their will.

"I can get used to this"

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