mother f*****

19 4 0

Pic of Scarlet and Ayane

We looked threw the door hole and guess who we saw? Yup Jackie.

"Who is that ?" Eliot asked looking confused.

"That's the Jackass who kidnapped me."I said threw gritted teeth.

"How about we show him he can't take family away from me or anybody."

"Sounds like a plan." I had a toothy grin on my face.

We opened the door and attacked as soon as he was about to talk.

"Ahh mother f*****"Jackie screamed but he wasn't alone.

Sarah and bass were with him too.

"Don't just stand there get her!"Jackie screamed.

In less than 5 seconds we were fighting Sarah and bass while Jackie was trying to recover.

Ayane POV

I was walking home from school with my half twin sister we have different dads. We aren't really twins but we look like it. Can you believe my dad had natural purple hair.

My sister has brown hair and mines is purple instead of my mom's brown hair. My sister's name is Scarlet. I know it doesn't make sense since she has brown hair but that's how my parents are.

We heard grunting and shuffling and ran to the noise.we seen two adults and one teen fighting two children.

"Oh hell no that is not gonna happen.pick on someone your own size. "

Scarlet and I said at the same time while getting into fighting position.  Don't worry little ones we will protect you Scarlet told the two little ones.

"How many times d I have to tell people not t look down on me because I'm little, bigger isn't always better you know. " the little blonde girl screamed.

"How old are you little ones? Go call your parents. I have to admit we baby talk to little kids that's our weakness.

"I am 18 and ny brother is 19 we are just small." She yelled and jumped at us but she went over us and tackled the big guy.

We were watching the two fight all three of them so easily with our mouths ga

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