[not edited]
*Niall's POV*
"Yes. How was your third week of college." I said to Zayn on the phone.
"It's been nice. Class is easy plus I made a friend. His names Harry and he's roommate." He said.
"My roommate was my first friend too. He's cool and pretty sassy. His names Louis and he plays soccer." I said.
"Cool as long as you won't forget me." He said and I laughed.
"Course not. But hey I'll talk to you later I'm going to practice." I said.
"Do well." He said before hanging up.
"I heard my name." Louis said standing on his tiptoes by the door with a toothbrush yah in his mouth.
"I was telling my best friend that my roommate is cool as shit." I said.
"Well you're not lying." He said walking back in the bathroom.
When he did come out we got ready to walk to the field. This guy. He was the goalie. His name was Wyatt Nash. He was sexy. And he had a sexy country accent. But the thing is every single goal I kick in the next he catches it and I get in trouble with coach because I can't kick it in. But today I came prepared.
"C'mon you just met him a week and you're already drooling." Louis said patting my back.
"Ugh shut up." I said and he laughed.
We met up with the coach for the play and I was sure I was going to kick that ball in the next this time. I had already kicked the ball in his balls before.
We broke apart and went to our designated spots. No body would kick the ball to me. I was freaking pissed. Louis was on the opposite team so he couldn't. I was tired I was sweating, I was hot and this was the last play before we wrap up.
I was open and finally Toren kicked the ball to me and I dribbled it between my legs before pausing a little bit before the net. I kicked the ball hard and it went to the right of the net making it in.
"Finally Horan." I heard the coach yell.
Wyatt looked shocked and I winked at him before turning around and running back to the group that was forming by coach. I smirked when I felt his body standing behind me. His breath breathing down on me. And his cologne still lingering. No offense to goalies but they don't do much. So yeah he's not that bad smelling.
"Alright see you back here in two days." Was coaches last words before we broke.
I ran to Louis before Wyatt had the chance to say anything.
"I'm proud you made the shot." He said and I blushed.
"Ooo you just act like I complimented you on your eyes." He said and I laughed.
"I blush a lot." I said.
"Well I know you're going to be blushing a whole lot soon." He said.
"And whys that." I asked and Louis smirked and someone tapped my shoulder.
I turned around and there stood Wyatt.
"I know. I know. You were shocked. Let's get to the point now." I said cockily.
"You were good. I can admit that but I wanted to ask you something." I said and I quietly dismissed Louis from behind me and he waited for me by the bench.
"Yes?" I asked.
"I was wondering if you'd accompany me to my friends party tonight." He said.
"Why so sudden. The take of interest I mean." I said putting my hands on my hips and he leaned in close to my ear.
"Because I purposely make it harder for you to make a goal. And you proven yourself today and I find that very attractive." He said.
"Woo I just shivered. Okay. I will accompany you to the party." I said and he moved away.
"I hope you're gonna clean yourself up." He said and I laughed hitting his chest.
"Well I actually play. Goalie." I said and he laughed.
"Being a goalie is hard work." He said.
"Yeah you get balls thrown at all parts of your body. More like lucky." I said and he laughed.
"You are funny." He said.
"Well you would have been found that out if you wouldn't have rejected my balls." I said and he laughed.
"Well yes. Anyways I have the green dorm with the the white board on the front. You'll know when you see it." I said and he nodded.
I ran over to Louis. "He thinks I'm funny." I said and Louis smiled.
"What did he ask you." He said as we walked to our dorm.
"Oh he asked to join him at a party tonight." I said and Louis nudged me.
"You expecting something tonight?" He asked.
"Yes I am sexually frustrated." I'm said.
"Well then." Louis said as we walked to our dorm.
Later on that day he came and got me to go to the party. The party was crowded and I got me a beer. I didn't let him out of my site.
He pushed me up against the wall and kissed my neck. I moan Ed wrapping my legs around his waist and going up the stairs.
We fell into one room and just scooted towards the bed.
"I hope you have a condom." He said.
"Shouldn't you carry those." I said.
"Only incase you forget." He said.
I pulled away from him. "So you don't have one?" I asked.
"You're the one that needs it." He said and I was shocked.
"I'm a bottom." I said.
"I'm a bottom." He said.
"Yeah okay." I said standing up and throwing my shirt on.
"What a disappointment." I said leaving out the room going back to the dorm.
"Well you don't look to happy." He said.
"He was a bottom." I said and he hissed.
"Why does he look so dominate though?" Louis asked.
"That's what I'm saying." I said plopping down on my bed.
"It's too many bottoms in the world." Louis said.
"You said it" I agreed.
Ugh I'm texting Zayn about this tomorrow.

Friends? (Ziall)
FanfictionThey'd been best friends for years. Niall has always stuck by Zayn's side through, heartbreaks, football games, birthdays you name it. And vice versa. They were practically inseparable. Joined at the hip most people would say. They loved each other...