-5 years old-
*Niall's POV*
"Would you leave me alone." I yelled to the girls on the playground.
They were making fun of my accent. Again. It's not fair really because my mom said all the girls will like it when I get older.
"You talk weird." A girl said then threw a small you car at me.
"Ouch." I said holding my head trying to run away from them again.
Until I get older I guess I will just continue to be terrorized by people that are just like me.
They ran after me and because I was a bit chubby I fell over then this one girl, I knew her name was Perrie. She came over and smiled at me before stomping on my hand with her tiny heeled shoes on. I screeched out in pain.
Honestly where are the teachers when you need them. I looked at my hand to see it was blood seeping out.
"Leave him alone before I pull your knickers so far up your ass and over your head that they'll touch your belly button." I heard someone say.
He was the new boy. He came just earlier today and he was defending me. I blushed a little and they scurried away and he came over to me.
"Him my names Zayn." He said.
"I'm Niall. You said a bad word." I said and he smiled.
"I heard my mum say it one time. But they left you alone." He said which was right.
"Well thank you." I said getting to my feet.
"You're welcome. Come with me your hands bleeding." He said taking my good hand as we ran to the bathroom.
I followed him and thought. I don't really have many friends. Nobody's really ever wanted to be my friend because all the girls tell the guys that talking to me was bad because it was going to make them talk like me.like who'd believe that.
I was the only Irish kid so yeah no other friends.
I then hissed when I felt Zen put my hand under the tap. "Ouch Zen." I cried.
"Shh." He said pulling it away climbing on a chair and going in the cabinet pulling out a first aid kit.
I didn't even know that was in there. How did he, he just got here.
He put this stuff on it that started with a 'N' (Neosporin) and then a band aid.
"Um thank you." I said blushing.
"You're welcome. Can you sit with me at lunch?" He asked blushing.
"Yeah 'course." I said and he smiled at me.
When lunch rolled around I sat at my normal table but this time Zayn was with me.
He had bring a PB and J and I had brung turkey and cheese. "Ooo do you want to share? I love turkey. Wanna trade half." He said.
"My mom told me that I shouldn't accept things from strangers." I said.
"But we're friends." He said and I smiled.
"Friends?" I asked.
"Yes friends. Now are you gonna pass over a half of that sandwich you can have half of mines." He said and we switched and his half taste pretty good. His mom sure does know how to make a good sandwich.
He smiled at me and I smiled back. He had really pretty brown eyes.
When lunch was over and we had story time on the rug he sat by me and leaned his head on my shoulder.
Then when we had free time to play we sat and played with the building blocks on the floor. And we talked, we talked forever, mainly about singing. He really wanted to be a professional when he gets older. I just smiled at that because I can already see me cheering him on at his shows.
"Come on Ni it's time to go." He said putting the rest of the blocks in the crate and giving me a hand to get up. I gave him my good hand and we ran to the coat closet. Most of the kids were already gone.
I put on my jacket and he got on his. We walked outside and my mom was parked right behind his moms car.
He hugged me round my around my neck his cheek rubbing against mines and I wrapped my chubby arms around his waist.
"Thanks for being my friend." I told him.
"You're welcome." He said before we walked to the our moms car.
Zen was about to get in his when he ran back to me and kissed my hurt hand.
"My mom said it helps." He said then went to climb back in his car.
I blushed and our moms smiled at each other. And strapped us into our car seat before getting in and pulling off taking us in different direction.
"Mum I had the best day ever." I said
"I see you made a little friend." She said.
"Yes his names Zen. He calls me Ni. He played with blocks with me today, and we sat together at lunch, we sat on the carpet at story time together and he even put my bandaid on." I said holding up the hand with my bandaid.
"He sounds sweet." She said smiling and looking at her soon through the rear view mirror for a second.
"He is mum. And he's pretty. He has pretty eyes." I said.
"That's nice Niall. It's so good knowing you made a friend." She said and I just sighed smiling.
I did make a friend today and I'm so happy about that.
I need a cover for this book!

Friends? (Ziall)
FanfictionThey'd been best friends for years. Niall has always stuck by Zayn's side through, heartbreaks, football games, birthdays you name it. And vice versa. They were practically inseparable. Joined at the hip most people would say. They loved each other...