This chapter is stupid but you kinda deserved it because of my absence.
*Niall's POV*
I passed out the yellow satchels amongst the kids and Louis passed out the blue satchels to the kids that didn't have yellow ones.
"Now there are a equal amount of you in the yellow , and a equal amount of you in the blue. That will be your team." I said and they looked around at each other's. Some grumbled but others high fived each other.
"Alright yellow team over here." Louis yelled from the other end of the field.
"Alright blue team. We're gonna kick some bum. Remember the basics. Kick with the inner sole of your foot. Also do not kick with your toe you could break it like that. Don't be afraid to get a little aggressive. And where's my goalie?" I asked and then the shortest of the bunch stood raised his hand and I smiled.
"Don't hurt yourself to much. Are you sure you want to be the goalie?" I asked him.
He was pretty small and a ball to the stomach can knock the wind out if him.
"Can I be the goalie?" A girl said waving her hand in the back said.
That was Sky or Skylar. She might play professionally when she gets older. It's all she talks about. Plus she can take a hit better than some of these boys could.
"Can you let her be the goalie?" I asked the little boy.
His name was Jaaron. His faced turned mad.
"But she's a girl." He said and I gasped.
"Sit everyone." I told them sitting myself.
"What you just said was bad. You can't put other girls down just because their girls. It's called being sexist and it's just as bad as being racist. I don't want anyone making sexist comments again. If you do you're getting a demerit." I said and they all nodded.
"So Sky will be the goalie." I said.
"Alright seems like the yellow team is ready. Let's go." I said and put my hand in the middle and they stacked their little hands on top of each other's.
"Blue team on three. 1. 2. 3. Blue team." I said and they ran out.
I went to go sit on the bench with Louis. "I have 10 on the blue team." I said.
"My team is going to win. Do you know who I am." Louis said.
"I guess that's a bet." I said.
"Yes. But I think that's illegal to bet on the kids." Louis said.
"No one knows." I said.
"Well I guess you're right." He said.
"Do you really have a girl goalie?" Louis asked.
"Stop underestimating girls. Watch." I said and one of the boys kicked the ball towards her and she jumped for it.
"See. Plus you don't underestimate your mom. She squeezed that big ass head of yours out of her vagina." I said.
"Stop talking about my moms vagina. Plus my head is not big." I said.
"We've all seen the pictures Lou." I said and he laughed hitting my arm.
"So you went out with Zayn yesterday?" He asked.
"Yeah we went to breakfast." I said.
"You missed him a lot I can tell. But Zayn has gotten sexy over the years. Has that grown man 'put-me-in-my-place' look." Louis said and I gasped.

Friends? (Ziall)
FanfictionThey'd been best friends for years. Niall has always stuck by Zayn's side through, heartbreaks, football games, birthdays you name it. And vice versa. They were practically inseparable. Joined at the hip most people would say. They loved each other...