Yes Nicholas Hoult
*Niall's POV*
"Zayn I got accepted! I got accepted to ManU with a full ride scholarship in football. Oh my fuck." I yelled into the phone.
"Oh my god I'm coming over there right now." He said and hung up.
I haven't even told my mum yet. I ran in her room and start jumping on her bed while texting my boyfriend to come over.
"Niall cut it out." She said.
"I got accepted to Man U with a full ride scholarship!" I yelled and she immediately got up.
"You did!" She said excitingly.
"Yes mom it's right here. Holy cow." I said and she got up hugging me and jumping.
"I'm so proud of you." She said.
I heard the front door open and close. "Zayn we're in here!" I yelled and soon he was kicking off his shoes and jumping on the bed in a group hug.
Soon we had to stop because my mom had asthma and you know how those go. "We're celebrating tonight but Niall let me catch my breathe." She said and me and Zayn walked out of the room.
The next thing I know was in another very tight hug with Zayn. I had my face in his neck and I put my arms around the back of his neck. And he hugged me around my waist.
"I'm so proud of you." He said hugging me.
"Thank you that means a lot." I said pulling away.
I heard the doorbell. And I ran to the doorbell and when I opened it my boy friend picked me up in a hug.
"Baby you got into your first pick." He said twirling me around.
I giggled. "I know. Now we're in this together. Now we're just waiting for Zayn to get in." I said and he smiled putting me down. He grabbed my face kissing me.
Zayn coughed and we pulled away. "Hey Zen." Nicholas said.
"It's Zayn." He said.
"Right Zen." Nicholas said and Zayn rolled his eyes.
"It's Zayn babe." I said and we sat down on the couch.
"It's just his accent is so thick." I explained.
"Oh well I'm sorry." Nicholas apologized to Zayn then looked over at me pulling me into his lap.
"What're you doing today?" He asked me.
"I'm going out to have a celebratory dinner. You coming?" I asked him.
"I'm sorry Joann's birthday is today and I have to go out with the family." He said.
"Oh yeah tell her I said happy birthday. She's the cutest 4 year old I know." I said.
"She gets it from me." He said.
"Ha. You're ugly." I said.
"But you kiss my ugly self all the time." He said putting his hand on my cheek and leaning into me.
I smiled kissing him again. Nicholas is so kissable. I put my hand at the nape of his neck. Soon his tongue wiggled his way in my mouth and I felt it tickle the roof and I pulled away giggling.
"Why do you always do that?" I asked.
"Cause I love to hear your giggle." He said and I blushed.
"Oh brother." I heard Zayn mutter.
"Yeah I'll have what he's having." Zayn said.
My mum got a call when she was about to say her order.
"What?!" She said.
"On my way now." She said hanging up.
"Sorry babies they got something special in the ER." She said putting on her jacket.
"Wait I know but tell me before you leave." She said and kissed my forehead.
"A guy got stuck in a block of cement." She said kissing Zayn's forehead.
"Cool. Go help save him mum." I said and she smiled leaving.
The waiter then just walked away. "Aww Zaynie we're on a little date." I said laughing.
He laughed. "Would you like some wine?" He asked me in a posh voice.
"Yes my good sir." I said and he poured me some.
"What a fine establishment you've picked tonight." He said.
"Well if they don't fall in love with me they sure will my pockets." I said and he laughed.
"Hold my hand Zayn." I said and he grabbed it.
I don't know but it gives me a sign of comfort when people hold my hand. And he's been holding my hand for all these years.
"Zayn your cologne is strong." I said holding my breath.
"That wasn't me. That was that guy who just walked past." He said.
"Oh good because I didn't think I could have to keep smelling that all through dinner." I said.
When dinner came we ate and talked. "It would be perfect if you got accepted. It would be me, you and Nicholas." I said.
"Right. Say if you only had to choose me or Nicholas if we were drowning which one would you choose?" He asked and I scoffed.
"You." I said and he smiled.
"You wanna call it a night?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said and we got up had already paying for the bill.
We were walking towards the door when I saw Nicholas all cuddled up holding hands with some girl.
I walked over to they're table it reeking of the same cologne I smelled earlier.
"You're a fucking jerk." I said and grabbed a bottle of champagne that was on one of the waiter tray walking pass and poured it on his head.
When the champagne was cleaned out the bottle into Nicholas's head I dropped it on his plate.
"And you can put it on my tab." I said walking away.
I heard a crack behind me and I turned around to se Nicholas holding his jaw and Zayn un-balling and balling up his fist.
Zayn caught up to me and we left. He drove to my house. He was spending the night over.
When I got up to my room we changed out of our clothes and jumped in the bed with only our underwear.
We haven't slept like this in a long time. Maybe because I stopped when I start dating Nicholas...
I laid my head on Zayn's chest and he had his hand on my lower back.
Then I felt the first tear fall out of my eye. That's when Zayn changed positions to where he was laying on his side holding my head against his chest and my arm wrapped around his waist.
"Z-Zay-" I cried.
"Shhh I know. It's okay I know." He said stroking my hair.
Soon I think I just fell asleep.

Friends? (Ziall)
FanfictionThey'd been best friends for years. Niall has always stuck by Zayn's side through, heartbreaks, football games, birthdays you name it. And vice versa. They were practically inseparable. Joined at the hip most people would say. They loved each other...