-7 years old-
*Zayn's POV*
"Niall play with me." I told him but he was eating. I started grabbing onto his shirt. "Niall." I whined.
I started jumping up and down throwing a tantrum because Niall wouldn't play with me. "Niall." I cried.
"Zayn Javaad Malik if you don't calm down right now. Niall is eating so let him eat." My mothers scolded.
So I waited for 5 more minutes and he was done but I was still mad at him. So I stomped up the stairs and opened my door forcefully. He followed me in slowly and quietly.
"Z-" I cut him off.
"I'm giving you the silent treatment so don't talk to me." I said and I heard him sigh.
He got up and came and stood right in front of me. "I'm sorry Zee I was just eating. But now that I'm finished we can't even play like you wanted to because you're still mad at me." He said his voice breaking.
He hugged me around my neck and I gave up and hugged him back. I've learned this about my friend. It's very hard not to hug him back. He pulled away and looked at me.
"Do you accept my apology." He asked.
"Yes Ni." I said and he rubbed his eyes hugging me again then kissed my cheek.
I turned red. He kisses my cheek every time we have an argument and make up. I've grown to love it. We get down on the floor and start to play with my action figures. "Niall are you ready to go?" My mom came in the room and asked him.
"I- Um- uh I-" I cut him off cause he could be shy sometimes when it comes to stuff like this.
"He wants to spend the night." I said and he smiled and my mother smiled too.
"I'll call your mom and see if she can bring your overnight bag." My mom said and he smiled and nodded leaving out.
"Thanks Zee." He whispered.
"You're welcome." I said and we continued to play.
When Niall's mom got here he hugged and kissed her before handing over his bag. His and my mom talked so we just went upstairs.
We sat down and he opened up his bag taking out 2 game boys. He handed me one being Greg's his older brothers he grew out of and we turned it on. Mario Carts was the game we were playing.
"Look Zee I came in first place." He said showing me and I smiled. He always likes to be Mario and well I like to be The one in the purple.
"I won this time Ni." I said showing him and he pinched my cheek.
"Good job." He said.
After a while of playing the game my mom said we had to get into bed. So as we were changing I turned to see Niall with Thomas the train underwear on. And I started laughing so he turned around to see me looking at his briefs so he hurriedly climbed into the bed redder than ever. I climbed in bed too. We were tops and tails. It was completely silent except for the rain falling outside. Then there was a strike and Niall jumped. I didn't think anything was wrong so I wiggled trying to find a comfy spot.
The thunder outside kept grumbling and crackling and I rolled my eyes. Mother Nature could be so rude honestly it's people trying to sleep. Who does she think she is. Not for Niall I could tell he was shaking under the cover and I heard whimpering. I climbed on his side of the bed and saw he was crying. So I wrapped my arms around him and he laid his head on my chest.

Friends? (Ziall)
FanfictionThey'd been best friends for years. Niall has always stuck by Zayn's side through, heartbreaks, football games, birthdays you name it. And vice versa. They were practically inseparable. Joined at the hip most people would say. They loved each other...