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*Niall's POV*

"Well fuck." I said looking on the tall shelf in front of me.

All I wanted was some Fruity Pebbles but of course this is what's putting me between getting that.

I looked and saw a taller looking man walking down the isle. From the back he looked cute.

"Umm excuse me." I said loudly and he turned around.

Jack fucking pot.

"You're talking to me?" He asked.

"Umm yeah I was wondering if you could get this box of cereal for me. You're tall." I said and he laughed coming over to me.

"Sure thing." He said and reached for it and I heard someone behind me clear there throat.

I turned to see Zayn standing there. He pushed the box of cereal to my chest.

"Thanks but no thanks." I said and turned back around.

"So yeah thanks again. I'm Niall." I said holding out my hand to him.

"Lucas." He said shaking my hand and smiling at me.

"Zayn." Zayn said butting in.

What the fuck is he doing!

"Hi." Like said and turned his attention back to me. "Umm see you around yeah?" He said.

"Yeah." I said.


He walked back to his cart and continued to shop.

"I'm going to slap you so hard." I said turning around to look at Zayn.

"What did I do?" Zayn asked.

"You know what. I'm just going to ignore you for the rest of the day. Plus you must keep tabs on me. How did you know I was at the grocery store?" I asked him.

"I didn't. I came here to get groceries for myself. And why are you so upset?" He asked me.

"Did you just see that fine ass man come over here? I asked him for his help not yours." I said rolling my cart.

"He looked like a boy to me." Zayn said.

"I don't care how you see him. I thought he was fine. And you were interfering with this little grocery store connection me and Lucas were having." I said.

He laughed. "That guy had a lip ring. C'mon he was probably like 18." Zayn said.

"Zayn just because he had a lip ring didn't mean he was 18. Gosh you're just ugh." I said.

"So what." He said hitting my cart.

"You're always doing that. I think you like me. It's not for protection anymore. You like me and is trying to stop me from getting with another guy because you don't know how to explain you like me yet." I said hitting his cart.

"Yeah okay." He said sarcastically and hit my cart again.

After that it just turned into a huge knocking of carts. We almost got kicked out of the store.

I paid for my stuff and left out the grocery store and left Zayn to pay for his. I waited for Zayn to come out the store because even though I was irritated how he messed up my vibe but I was going to call Lou to come help me with the groceries but since Zayns here. No need.

"Look who's waiting for me." Zayn said coming out the store with his bags in his hand.

"What?" I asked.

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