E 2.0

197 9 2

-14 years old-

*Zayn's POV*

"You love to gossip." I said to Niall and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm not gossiping. He does have lice and lice is not fun. I never want to ever have it." He said.

"And that's fine but don't be mean." I said.

"Okay." He said. "But like I didn't mean to be mean."

"Most of the time people are intentionally mean, I know that you aren't but I should tell you when you are." I said and he smiled.

"Thanks Zayn, because I know some people would try to kick my ass for that." He said.

"It's okay I'll beat the shit out of anyone who tries to touch you, and you know that." I said.

"Yeah I appreciate you but at the same time I can handle some fight. Like when I was about to fight a month ago, I didn't need you to knock him out. I probably couldn't do that and I'm surprised at our age that you could too but still I could have probably done some damage." He said.

"Sure I'll let up." He said.

I'll never let up, what is he thinking. I have to protect him 24/7, Niall is such a timid boy and kids still kind of bully him. So if it means me bullying them back to get it through their fucking head that they shouldn't treat him any type of way then so be it.

"You're sweet for it though." He said and I waved him off.

The bullying hasn't seem to let up at all since we were younger. And I don't get it. How is he such a easy target. He's never made it seem like he's easy to get picked on, but so what if he did. I never really understand why people bully others, not to be mean but I don't care what you seen at home, what you don't like about a person, etc there is no reason why someone should be bullying someone else.

Ever since I've been friends with Niall, which is like since I can remember he's been bullied and I've gotten so angry because Niall is my friend and I feel like his problems are mine. He's been through too much.

He stopped taking his anti-depressants a while back and I haven't been more happy for him but I have reason to believe that these 'bullies' can take him back there.

And he's worked so hard, we've worked so hard to make him happy, you think I'm just going to let someone ruin that because they like to see people cry? Absolutely not.

I felt Niall's hand wrap around mine and I looked at his hand and then up at him.

"Your knuckles are turning white." He said.

"Oh, just thinking," I said and he removed his hand.

"About? That's making you so mad." He said.

"I just hate people bullying you. That shit isn't cool, and what if you start you know, feeling sad again and have to take your medication. They don't know what they can do to people." I said and he fell into me wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Zayn this is why we've been friends for so long, you really, really care about me. And I understand that but I will never be on that medication again. I don't care if these kids put me through hell. I know you'll always be there and if you're always there I won't
have to worry about feeling anything but pure happiness." He said and I hugged him back.

"Still Niall, even if they don't start making you take your medication again they still shouldn't bully you. Maybe high school will be different." I said.

"Yeah maybe. But you never know. It hasn't stopped since grammar school maybe it won't." He said.

"My mom said high school is a place where you get in or fit in and maybe I'll fit in with others. Maybe we'll fit in with others because so help me god if you fuck up our friendship so that we aren't friends in high school I will kill you before sophomore year." I said and he laughed.

"The thought would never cross my mind." He said.

"Well that's good then because I don't really want to kill you." I said and he laughed.

"What would I do without you." He said looking at me.

Sometimes I kinda think Niall likes me. I think it's sometimes me just in my head but other times I honestly genuinely think that it's the truth. The way he looks at me and hugs me and stuff. It's not gross. I mean he likes boys and stuff but I don't or whatever. I think I think too much about it.

"I don't know. So always appreciate me." He said and he smiled and tackled me into a hug.

He leaned up and looked at me and smiled again and I smiled back. We were really close though.

"Boys I made cookies!" My mom called from downstairs.

"I really do love you Zayn. And thanks for everything you've done for me. I'll pay you back real good in the future." He said and kissed my cheek before getting up and going downstairs to get cookies.

"You don't have to repay me. I love you just as much and appreciate everything you do for me." I said and held my chest.

Even though he didn't hear me I know he'll understand in the future.

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