John B- trusted you

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warnings- brief swearing


john b and i had been together for 2 years. we were inseparable ever since we met in 3rd grade. But, we have been going through a rough patch with john b's dad missing and him being really distant. I knew what he must be going through so i did not make a big deal about it. But now he is sneaking off at nights and not coming back till morning, and he is not given an explanation to me, kie, jj, or pope. So today I have decided that I'm gonna follow him.

yet again he left with no explanation and no kiss or hug goodbye. "what are u doing up Y/N?" jj asked.

"I'm just gonna go on a walk, i need to be alone for a minute" i lied 

"oh ok" jj said 

and with a wave i followed john b.

john b was never hard to find especially because of the van that he always drove. i saw his van pull into a kook house.

what is he doing, i thought. it was a rose Cameron ownership so i was completely lost on why he came here out of all places

i saw him get out of the van and walk inside. the door was not locked, so i got off my bike and slowly and quietly made my way in the huge house. i slowly made my way upstairs to see something that i never thought in a million years, i would see. John B was completely making out with Sarah Cameron

i was honestly more hurt than angry, he knew that me and kie both did not like Sarah at all, and yet he was he right in front of me making out with her.

I ran out of the house as fast as i could, got on my bike and left for the chateau. Once i got there i saw that everyone was asleep, thank god. I made my way to john b's room and got all of my stuff together and went to my moms house

my mom lives on the cut and is the nicest lady you will ever meet. she never had a problem with me staying at john b's , because she trusted me. if somebody asked me who my absolute bestfriend is, it would always be here (with an exception of kie, pope, and jj of course)

Once i made my home, i was sobbing and i didn't know what to do so, i ran to my room locked the door and cried my self to sleep

i was awoken by my mother softly knocking on the door and asking me if i could open it.

"Will you please open the door sweetheart" she asked softly

"ok" i said while opening the door

She looked at my puffy eyes and worn facial expression and immediately new something was wrong.

She pulled me in for a one of her infamous hugs and said" what happened sweetie"

so i explained everything, how john b cheated on me after 2 years and how he did it with sarah cameron out of all people.

at this point i was sobbing trying to keep myself together, before she said" ok, now i now that dumbass broke your heart but i want to have a mother, daughter day to take your mind off things" 

"ok, what do you have in mind?" i asked softly

" well we are gonna go get some ice cream and then we are gonna go to the wreck and then we are gonna get you a new outfit, to show that dick what he is missing out on" she said. i was so lucky to have a mom like her, she would always do anything in her power to make me feel better. 

I nodded briefly before going to take a shower and change into something cute.

while i was in the shower and i kept wondering, what did i do? why was i not good enough? was he using me?

I had eventually got out of the shower and changed, but while i was changing i finally realized that, i did nothing wrong and i was nothing but great to him. 

after i changed i walked down to my  mom and we drove to the famous ice cream parlor in obx

we walked in and ordered my normal cookies and cream and she got chocolate. we were having a great time and i had completely forgot about john b

we were walking in the wreck when once again i saw john b with sarah. Kie look pissed and when she saw me she went up to me and asked "do you know?" "yah i found out yesterday" i sad sadly

"honestly if i was you were i would ignore the son of a bitch" my mom said

And that is exactly what i decided to do. so we walked in fully and got a table and laughed and talk all together, me, kie, and my mom.. this was when jj came in and sat with us and joined the conversation. i could not believe it, but i was getting over john b

then, its never enough by Audiodub started playing and we all happily danced with each other until the restraunt closed 

2 weeks had gone by and i was completely content with life, me and my mom were closer than ever, i had not talked to john b, and i had been spending alot of time with kie,pope, and jj.

That was until today, i was going on a run around the cut when john b's van came up behind me and he said "please get in" he practically begged. i just rolled my eyes and kept running. he completely blocked the rode so i couldn't keep running. I mentally scolded the cut roads for being so thin.

"what do you want John B?" i asked, clearly annoyed

"i just wanna talk, babe" he said. once he said that last word, i was fuming

"Babe? no, you lost all privilege's to call me that when you decided to go and fucking cheat on me with Sarah Cameron. i think you should leave and go have fun macking her" i shouted, i was furious

"Y/n i-" he said.

"No, john b we are OVER, you completely broke me, i trusted you with everything and you cheated" i practically screamed. i walked around his van and ran home. i wasn't sad,angry, or broken anymore. I had wanted to say that for a while and now that i did, i was happy.

i told my mom everything and she said,"i am so happy for u sweetie, you are so strong"

i hugged her tightly before heading to bed.

A/N: anyone want a part 2? i haven't decided if i want to or not. i will be posting another chapter tomorrow :)


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