Dating Rafe (HC)

7.4K 71 12

~ Huge on PDA 

~ despite what many people think, I feel like rafe and JJ are very similar, so i feel like they are similar in relationships also.

~ him being extremely protective.

~ he is for sure extremely dominant, almost never submissive.

~ again as with pope and JJ your relationship is built on reassurance.

~he always feels as if you deserve better.

~ yall being the princess and prince of the kooks.

~ Definitely telling him to slow down on the drugs.

~ Tons of fancy dinners.

~ your guys relationship song is for sure Every Rose Has Its Thorn by Poison .

~ you being friends with the pogues even tho rafe hates it.

~ you hating ward.

~ you wear the pants in the relationship.

~ this boy definitely is a sucker for cuddling.

~ In the end couple goals.

A/N: Happy Tuesday!! We literally hit 10k yesterday and we are already almost up to 11k. Thank you all so much :)

Edited ✅

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