Dating JJ Maybank (HC)

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~ dude is huge on PDA, will not hesitate to pull you on his lap as soon as you sit down ANYWHERE.

~ physical touch is for sure his love language. Since he did not receive alot of it growing up besides getting beat by his dad

~ your relationship is built on reassurance

~ the amount of times he has come to your house in the middle of the night becuase he thought you were to good for him is way to many to count

~ he is a sucker  for when you play with his hair

~ his eyes make it so you can tell whether his is angry, sad, happy. They are mesmerizing . 

~ I don't know why but i feel like he would be into old rock bands, anything from Poison, to AC/DC, to Def Leppard. I could totally see him jamming out to back in black by AC/DC.

~TONS of surf dates :)

~ he is for sure a top ;)

~ I feel like he really likes candles like summer scented candles, he for sure lights some before taking a bath with you or something.

~ baby boy LOVES when you trace is arm veins while yall are cuddling.

~may have a hair pulling kink ;)

~ if your short, there will almost never be a moment that he does not have his elbow on your head when yall are standing side by side.

~ again if you are short he will tease you about it along with the other pogues but if someone says something about your height that hurts your feelings that is not the pogues ,they are going to FOR SURE get there shit rocked.

~ he defiantly loves criminal minds and for sure makes you watch it with him.

~ is a huge softie when its just you two

~When he gets back from being home for a couple days, you will order pizza and watch romcom movies to lighten the mood

~ overall a great boyfriend. 

A/N: Hello!!! it has been a little while since i posted, i honestly just needed time for myself, if that makes any since. I will be working on requests soon but i did want to tell you guys what to expect.....

~JJ- Waves (part 2). I got a ton of messages for a part two :)

~ Dating John B (HC)

~Dating Pope (HC)

~Dating  Rafe (HC)

~Dating Topper (HC)

Have an amazing rest of your weekend!!!

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