Rafe- He's a maniac

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Everything was absolutely crazy in outer banks, there was a murderer on the loose, Sarah was missing,  and my boyfriend, Rafe, was no were to be seen.

I was not worrying to much, i knew john b , he would never kill anyone. I just wanted to know who did it. Rafe was supposed to come over today to watch some movies and chill-



i rushed downstairs to see rafe in a green shirt with a backpack on, i immediately jumped into his arms,

"were have you been?" i asked while hugging him.

"oh just with my dad, trying to help the police find john b" he said, he sounded emotionless.

"what's wrong?" i asked .

"nothing I'm fine" he said, he sounded pissed, like i had done something wrong.

"are u sure? you seem really on edge" i said while carresing his cheek.

"listen i didn't come over here to be ambushed with questions, im fine." he said aggressively.

"ok, whatever " i said as i walked away from him to go upstairs, he followed me up before saying,

"listen I'm sorry i just have alot on my mind with a murderer on the loose" he said with soft eyes.

"He's a maniac" he added.

"John B is not a maniac, he would never kill someone" i said, i had always been close to the pogues, i was a 'pook'.

"yah? how do you know that" he said getting in my face.

"he is one of my friends, i think i would know" i said looking him dead in the eyes. I looked to the side in his backpack, to see a revolver (A/N: i know thats not the gun he used in the actual show, just wanted to add a bit of flavor, and i like the word 😂)

I immediately backed up and said," Rafe".

He looked confused before saying in the same emotionless voice, "what?"

"why do you have a revolver?" i asked, i was shaking, my boyfriend, the boy i have been with for  4 years wouldn't kill someone right?

He immediately perked up and faced me, he was no longer emotionless, his eyes were filled with guilt and sadness.

That's when i knew the love of my life killed someone. As insane as this may sound, i still loved him, i knew my boyfriend would not just go out and kill someone for no reason. Whenever he beat someone up, he always had a reason. I knew he was not a killer, but i needed to know why before getting angry with him.

I walked up to him, took his hands in mine and cupped his chin so he had to look at me in the eyes. "tell me what happened, baby" i said softly.

I could see a flash of relief in his eyes because i was not angry. He sniffled before wrapping his arms around my waist and hugging me tightly.

 i wrapped my arms around his neck, he was crying, his whole body was shaking. We stayed like that for about 10 minutes before i picked his head up from my shoulder and cupped his face while asking softly, "i need you to tell me what happened, love"

"I just wanted to make him proud" he whispered while looking at me with his arms around my waist still.

I immediately knew what happened, and pulled his head back in my neck while playing with his hair.

I was not going to push him to tell me the full story until he was ready.

His whole body started shaking, i rocked him back and forth while whispering sweet things in his ear,"i shouldn't of done it" he whispered in my neck .

"no you shouldn't have, but i promise you i am gonna get you help, ok baby?" i whispered back

"thank you" he said.

"for what?" i asked.

" for not leaving me" he said.

i chuckled before saying, " you aren't gonna get rid of me that easily".

We both let go of each other, i went to go turn the shower on for rafe, but before i could he said, "will you take one with me?"

Whenever rafe was stressed or just sad in general , i would always take a shower with him. It was not anything sexual, he for some reason just really loved it. It was apart of his soft side that  not a lot of people get to see.

"of course i will, Let me go get some towels, i will be right back" i said.

I went to go get the towels and by the time i was back he was already in the shower, waiting.

The shower was silent just the sound of the water running, I didn't want to bring it up and neither did he so we silently agreed to take the shower in peace and quite.

I knew the reason he wanted to take a shower together it was the same every time, to get a head massage while i wash his hair. I took the shampoo and gently ran it through his hair while his arms were around my waist, once i finished, i looked into his eyes. They were relaxed and soft, this was the side only i got to see, this was the boy i fell in love with. I slowly leaned in to kiss him, as he did, once our lips collided all i felt were fireworks. We have been dating for  4 years and i still feel fireworks whenever our lips collide. He swiped his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for access, to witch i accepted. The passionate make out lasted a little longer till i leaned back and cupped his face while saying, "i love u" .

"i love u more, princess" he said with love in his blue eyes.

I may have fallen very hard for a murderer but hey, he was my murderer.

A/N: I kind of want to make a part 2 to this, anyone interested? Love yall!!

Edited ✅

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