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Takao and the GOM-- aside from Aomine-- had rushed over to the house not long after the incident. My brother was home from college early, and was at the house when mom and I arrived.

It was nice to see his face after a long while, but I wasn't in the right mindset to talk to him yet. My family crowded around me, coddling me, giving me things to make me feel better. My dad wrapped me in a blanket and gave me hot tea, like I was sick or something. 

I cried for a little bit, looking at the messages Aomine had sent me, followed by the messages the others sent. Then my brother, Miko, swiped it away from me. "Hey, y/n, why are you crying? Is it because of your audition? Did they reject you?" Miko asked with worried eyes.

Slowly, I shook my head. Then, Takao burst through the door, with the GOM minus Aomine, following closely behind him. "Aomine's a bitch, ignore him!" My mother seemed astounded at the language Takao was using, but I dismissed it. Miko scooted closer to me, letting Takao and the others sit by me.

Momoi sat on the other side and held my hand. Murasakibara could barely fit through the door, which --I admit-- made me laugh a little. Kuroko's blank stares had a little warmth in them. Kagami had tagged along too.

Akashi sat down on the floor, facing me. "Satsuki and I took care of him. He's.. sorry and resentful." The red haired boy's eyes were bright, and a little scary, but I knew Akashi meant well. Murasakibara shoved a box of candies into my lap, and Midorima groaned and looked away from my face as he gave me a sweater.

Takao nudged Midorima. "Shin-chan, don't be such a tsundere." 

"You're a butt, Takao."

Going back to our usual antics, I felt better. Miko smiled at my friends and left me alone with them. Momoi and Takao hugged me tightly when Miko got up. "I punched him and kicked his balls!" The pink girl said.

I giggled. "Thanks, Momoi. What did Akashi do?"

Seijuro blinked, realizing I was talking about him. "I uh-" he just blushed before he could speak any further. Kise interupted everyone. "Akashicchi kicked his ass! He went wahpow! I saw him! He even gripped Aominecchi's collar like this-" Kise paused to demonstrate what he saw Akashi doing. "And he said something about How could you do this y/n, huh? She worked hard for this. Stop being an ungrateful asshole!" Kise finished happily.

Akashi shrank between his knees from his place, to hide his blush. "A small "Language!" was muttered from Miko, across the room. 

Kise pushed through the small crowd and held my hands, it's ok, y/ncchi, Aomine's a jerk and he's probably on his period." That earned a snicker from everyone else in the room. Kuroko spoke up as well. "Aomine just doesn't want you leaving Japan. He's happy for you, but sad for himself."

I sat up and looked at Kuroko and Kagami. "Really? Is that what he thinks?"

Kagami snorted. "Yeah, the dumb hoe thinks you'll make better friends than him and forget about him. That's such a Kise thing thing, though." Kise glared at Kagami after the last comment. "Of course I won't! You're all the best, and I wouldn't ever forget about Aomine."

"Then tell him that. He's been such a whiny ass all day... nanodayo" Midorima suppressed a scoff and adjusted his glasses. 

a/n: not sure if i should name you or keep you as y/n cos its weird? then if u debut ur stage name will be y/n????????

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