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a/n: this ain't a filler, i swear it's 100000% for the plot

Kuroko placed his phone in his bag after a long conversation. "What the hell are you smiling for?" Kagami, his basketball teammate asked him. Kuroko froze for a second. "Was I smiling?"

Kagami nodded and elbowed the smaller boy. "Yeah, like an idiot."

"I see... well I just got off the phone with y/n -san." He explained. Kagami raised a suspicious eyebrow and finished putting his basketball shoes away. He slipped his jacket on and ginned, realizing what Kuroko had meant.

"Ah... you like y/n-san, huh?" Kagami came to a conclusion, leaving Kuroko speechless. "Kagami-kun... I thought you were dumb. How could you tell?"

Kagami' s eyebrows shot up, and then he growled. "That's so rude! You're no better than I am! Anyway, it's really obvious, dude." 

"How so?"

Kagami sighed and palmed his forehead. "Sometimes I think you're dumber than me." Kuroko muttered a small "That's highly unlikely." Under his breath, but Kagami let it go. 

After ten minutes of explaining why Kuroko is so obivious.

"I see... should I not display these actions anymore, Kagami-kun?" Kuroko came to a conclusion so that he would not be so obvious. Kagami rolled his eyes. "Sometimes it's ok. Just don't be weird."


You and Murasakibara were browsing around the candy shop when you got a call from Kuroko. "Oh? Kurochin?" Atushi looked over your shoulder and bent down to see your phone, his hair slightly brushing past. 

"Hi Kurokoooo!" You said, maybe adding more o's at the end than you we're supposed to. "Y/n-san, you're with Murasakibara-kun right now, correct?" 

"Yessir, that I am. Didja want something from the candy store?" You confirmed. Kuroko breathed through the phone, giving static feedback. "Uh well I called to ask Murasakibara-kun if Yosen was  holding a practice match with Seirin over the weekends. He's not answering my texts."

"Yes, Kurochin, we'll be there." You we're about to ask Atsushi, but he heard already and spoke directly into the phone. "Ok! That's that. Did you need anything else, Kuroko?"

"No, that's all."

"You sure?"

"Actually, can you get me some gummies?"

a/n #2: sorry this chapter was so short (' ^ ') /" im posting another one later this week, or in a few days!!

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