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Aomine: hey um


Aomine: look, i'm really sorry

Aomine: i shouldn't have lashed out like that


Aomine: and you deserve to live up to your dream and i wouldn't ever want want to take that away from you. i wasn't thinking at all. i'm so sorry.

... well

i forgive you


ily and always will

i'd never forget you guys

Aomine: that makes me really happy, thanks

btw were all hanging out over the weekend, u wanna come?

Aomine: hell yeah

I squealed and put down my phone. Beside me, Miko smiled. "So I assume you guys are back on good terms?" He asked, although he already knew the answer. I couldn't wait to hand out with everyone again tomorrow.

"Sis, wake up." Miko softly shook me awake. When I didn't get out of bed, he started whacking me with a pillow. "I don't get no sleep cause of y'all! Y'all never gonna sleep cause of me!" I groaned as Miko started recreating vines. "Aight! Aight! I'm up, now get out." I mumble underneath my blanket.

Miko looks satisfied and leaves. I try to go back to sleep, but Miko just peeks his head back into our room and repeats the process. I have no choice but to get dressed. My phone rings beside me and I check to see who it is. 

In The Basketball Dorks Chat.

Today at 10:03 AM.

Kise Ryouta: you guys ready for a day of fun?

Midorima: I guess.

Takao: dont be like that shin-chan!

Murasakibara: muro-chin said he wants to come

Kagami: tatsuya? yES!

Aomine: well aren't you excited

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