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Kuroko and Midorima

Kuroko: Midorima

Midorima: What

Midorima: Can't you just talk to me face to face?

Kuroko: She'll get suspicious

Midorima: Who are you talking about

Kuroko: You know who ;)

Midorima: Oh my god please never wink again

Kuroko: Sorry

Kuroko: But you're being super obvious 

Kuroko: And you'd better hurry

Kuroko: Y'know before she leaves

Midorima: I don't know what you're talking about

Kuroko: I'm talking about Y/N.

Midorima: Oh

Kuroko: Yeah.

Kuroko: What are you going to do about her?

Midorima: What do you mean? I'm not going to do anything

Kuroko: Please, I'm smarter than that.

Kuroko: I know you like her.

Kuroko: Don't even try to deny it.

Midorima: Oh fucking hell

Midorima: Fine

Midorima: Fucking fine

Midorima: I like her. I just like her. There's nothing stringing us together though. I can't have her, you know that. 

Kuroko: You don't know unless you try

Midorima: I tried!

Kuroko: No you didn't, you chickened out.

Midorima: Well then what the hell am I supposed to do Kuroko? She's leaving. She'll be so famous, she'll forget about me. Y/N will have thousands of fans, and I'll just be here playing street ball with Aomine.

Kuroko: I'm only going to say this once:

Kuroko: You are so stupid Midorima. Y/N is one of the most amazing people I've ever known. I've liked her once too, but you all saw how that turned out.

a/n: this chap was so short im sorry, but thats because kuroko's flashback is coming up next i hope you will enjoy it :))))

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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