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Kuroko: y/n where tf are you?

i know this mf aint kuroko

whos using my baby's phone?

Kuroko: its kagami

im with midorima and aomine

were in the gudetama store

Kuroko: they have a gudetama store-

this is japan, of course they do

dumb foreigner

Kuroko: ur dad is literally korean

Akashi: dont stray like that

Akashi: we were so worried

sorry, juro

Momoi: 👀 

Momoi: "juro"?

Aomine: you're going by first names now???

Murasakibara: And with a nickname?

Kise: :((( what about me??

Kuroko: stop being a bunch of bitches

kagami, give kuroko his phone back

you have your own phone for a reason


did you just throw your fucking phone at me?

Kuroko: Sorry about him.

Kuroko: He spent the last of his brain cells trying to find the store.

I waved at the others. Aomine, Midorima, and I were waiting in line  near the cashier's desk. Kuroko scurried over to me, with Kagami's big ass feet dragging slowly behind. I mean, Kagami has a pretty big stride, he's just lazy sometimes. I decided to text the others while Kuroko and Kagami were getting settled beside me.

lmao midoriya's looking at the gudetama keychains

Takao: what the fuck

Takao: is he really midorima

y/n sent two images



Takao: i am saving that

Takao saved two images.

as you should

Kise: is that really midorimacchi??


Kise saved two images.

Midorima: Y/N...

oh shiiiiit

ahahaha sorry shintaroooo

ilysm pls dont murder me

Midorima: Fine

Midorima: Only because you're cu|⌫

Kuroko: You were typing...

Midorima: Shut up, Kuroko.


omfg i completely forgot about this story. i was super frustrated because i couldn't add images for some reason. then i went on a writing hiatus and forgot to announce it. plus my school just reopened so i haven't had much time at home. i'm so sorryyyy ! i'll try to be more active when updating <3

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