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kissyryouta you guys can't compete cuz y/ncchi and i bought couple rings and they're cute af! (≧∀≦)

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kissyryouta you guys can't compete cuz y/ncchi and i bought couple rings and they're cute af! (≧∀≦)

❤️ 4.7k  💬 8.9k  ⤴️ 3k


@kuroko: finally, he's clinging onto someone else.

^ @kissyryouta: but kurokocchiiii~ i love you too! a-and y-y/ncchi and i are just friends!!

^ @aominedicki: did you just stutter through text?

@kissyryouta: no, because this is not a text, aominecchi 😶

@aominedicki: you know what i meant, dipshit

@kissyryouta@nutella.y/n ! aominecchi is bullying me!

@nutella.y/n: not my problem 🙄

@kissyryouta: but y/ncchi!! we bought couple rings!

@nutella.y/n: jk ily, kise-kun

@aominedicki: get a room

@kuroko: jealous 

👎 by @aominedicki

@taka0: that's so cute! where'd you guys get them?

@nutella.y/n: a thrift store for only 200 yen 😳

@taka0: daaaamn yo- that's pretty cheap 

@nutella.y/n: ikrrr! we should go together sometime, kazunariiii

❤️ By @taka0 👎 by @murasnackibara

@nutella.y/n: atsushi????? what???

@murasnackibara: you promised you go to the candy store with me

@nutella.y/n: oh riiight! we can bring takao along tho, right?

@murasnackibara: no

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