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"Y/N, Satsuki, you guys look nice." Akashi said in his usual formal tone, though everyone could see a glint of happiness in his eyes. We smiled at Akashi, making him blush slightly. Aomine broke into the circle of the groups and scratched his head nervously. The others looked at him crossly. I looked at them, and then at Aomine. "Guys, it's alright. He apologized sincerely, and I forgave him." 

Their glares still didn't go away, but they relaxed. "Thanks Y/N... I'm sorry, again." He sounded sad. I puffed my chest out and waddled over to him. "Stop. Sulking. Before. I. Leave. For. Korea!" I hit him with every word. The mood lightened and Takao laughed. For a moment, I forgot about the others and looked at my best friend. 

"'Sup, hoe!" I said happily. Takao faked an angry expression and charged right at me. "Hey even bigger hoe!" He enveloped me in a tight hug. We exchanged our small greetings, and turned our attention back to the group, who looked at us awkwardly. "You guys are weird." Murasakibara said between bites. He brought a big bag of candies, and didn't intend to share any. 

Midorima adjusted his glasses and huffed. "Hurry up, we're gonna miss the train to Tokyo if we don't leave now." The others nodded, and we pushed each other onto an open car on the train. I sat down near a window, Takao was next to me,  Momoi sat behind me with Aomine, and Kise fought Murasakibara for the seat across from me; Kuroko was next to him.

Akashi sighed disappointedly at his former teammates, and took the seat in front of me. "Kagami." I said, "How are you today?" I asked him in English. Kagami laughed. "I'm ok, thank you for asking." He shook his head before looking away. "Who said that?" The voice belonged to Himuro Tatsuya. "Tatsuya!" Kagami had the biggest smile on his face. Tatsuya smiled back and sat down with Kagami. 

By now, everyone insisted that Kagami had a lowkey crush on Himuro. I opened my phone and scrolled through my messages.

In the unappreciated hoes😤💅chat.

Today at 2:14 AM.

Kasuga: i don't think y/n should be in this chat,,

why not???

Kasuga: bc ur NOT unappreciated?

Wei: yeah, ur literally going out with the gom

Chihiro: and they all have a crush on u


u guys are crazy

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