The Vision

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We arrive at a tall building, the word Stark glowing on the side. The Captain walked us inside and we loaded into an elevator. I fiddled with the rings on my finger, anxiety filling my stomach. Doors opened with a ding and the Captain lead the way up a set of stairs to a lab of sorts. I heard talking way before we reach the two men.

"I'm gonna say this one." Cap said.

"How about nonce." Stark retorted.

"Shut it down!" Cap yelled.

"Nope. Not gonna happen."

"You don't know what you're dealing with."

"And you do?" Dr. Banner asked. "She's not in your head?" He asked pointing at me. I stepped out from behind Pietro.

"I know you're angry." I said.

"Oh, we're way passed that." He assured. "I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade." He warned.

"Banner after everything that's happened-" Cap began.

"Is nothing compared to what's coming!" Stark interrupted.

"You don't know what's in there!" I yelled.

"This isn't a game Stark!" Cap yelled over me. I heard loud noises and realized Pietro was running around, unplugging everything from the cradle. He stopped and dropped the last cord.

"No, no. Go on. You were saying?" He said. There was a gunshot and Pietro fell through the glass floor, to the one below.

"Pietro!" I yelled.

"What? You didn't see that coming?" I heard a man say from below. Machines around began to beep and whir.

"I'm rerouting the upload." Stark said turning to a screen. Cap threw his shield, causing it to bounce around, preventing anyone from doing anything. Stark's glove flew onto his hand and he shot at Cap, knocking him down. I prepared to hit Stark, but Banner came up behind me, holding me back.

"Go ahead." he challenged. "Piss me off." I heard a gun being loaded and Cap leapt to his feet, running at Stark as his armor molded around him. Cap jumped and hit Stark, both being knocked back by a blast from Stark's chest piece. 

I gasped as I sent a stream of my magic through me, hitting Banner and turned around, knocking him backwards. I saw a man slid into the room, jump on top of the cradle and lift his hammer. 

"Wait!" Banner yelled.

Lightning was spewing from the hammer and then the man directed it to the cradle. I could hear the electric currents and the cradle beeped and whirred as it hit a power overload. All I could do was stand and watch.

The lightning seized and the man grunted, standing up straight. There was a cracking sound and the the cradle blew open, throwing all of us across the room, to various places.

A humanoid form floated up from the cradle and rested in a crouch on the edge. It slowly stood up, glancing around the room in confusion, and examining itself. It locked eyes with the man with the hammer and sprung forward.

The man reacted fast and threw it out the side wall, across the following room. I watch it fly and stop abruptly in front of the glass window. The man stood up and the Captain jumped into the room with his shield. The man held his hand up and the rest of us made our way closer. The thing seemed to be examining the world outside the building and then morphed into a 'clothed' form, turning and floating to us.

The man set his hammer down and slowly walked forward as the thing settled on the ground. I walked down the stairs, Banner behind me, Pietro sped to my side.

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