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I woke to a gentle push to my side. I groaned and stretched, yawning lightly. I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room foggily. I sat up in the chair and looked for Pietro. I sat with a confused look on my face as I met Clint's gaze.

In a rush, the memories came flooding in. The battle, the gunshots, the pain, and worst of all, Pietro's death. I inhaled sharply and slowly let the breath out.

"Is it true?" I asked, gazing at Clint. "Is he really gone?" I didn't want to believe it. He gave a a sad smile and nodded his head. My head dropped and I took a couple shaky breathes, blinking tears from my eyes.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Wanda, I think we should talk about this later." Clint advised.

"No." I said shaking my head. "I want to know. How did he die? What happened?" I looked back up at him, my eyes pleading. He sighed and  chuckled softly.

"I can't say no to that look." He admitted. "It reminds me of my daughter."

"You have a daughter?" 

"Yup. I sure do. And a little boy, and one on the way." He looked up at me. "A beautiful wife. More than I could ever ask for."

"Don't change the topic." I said softly.

"You asked." He reminded. "Anyways, uh." He cleared his throat. "I had gone out to get this kid when everyone else was getting in the boats. This mom had said her kid, Costel I think it was, was still in the market place. So I went to go get him."

"Costel?" I asked.

"Yeah. That was the little kid's name. At least I think so, it's a little foggy." He shifted in the chair. "I had picked him up and was going to head back to the boat when a hijacked quin jet came flying past, shooting at anyone out in the open. I had excepted the fact I was going to die and turned so I could protect the kid from the oncoming bullets as best I could."

I pulled my legs under me and tried not to tear up as he continued.

"I braced myself to the impact as I heard it get closer. But." He paused. "It never came. I looked up and turned to see a car had been placed in front of me and the kid. I knew what had happened and looked to see Pietro standing there." His voice broke and he stopped, taking a deep breath and blinking tears away.

"Please." I begged. He took a deep breath and continued.

"He had bullet wounds all over his body. He has just kind of standing there in his running pose, looking at himself." He wiped away a couple tears that had escaped from his eyes. 

"He looked up at me with a smirk on his face and said, 'You didn't see that coming.', then he fell over. He just laid there, motionless." He had to stop. I took my hands from my face, which I hadn't noticed I had done until I was putting them down.

 "I set the kid down and checked his pulse. Steve ran over and I could only give him a helpless look." He looked back at me, a couple tears welling up in his eyes. "He saved my and the kid. He died a hero."

I took a few shaky breaths and nodded. Costel was like a little brother to Pietro so I understood part of his choice. Clint cleared his throat again and then wiped his face, regaining his composure.

"I came here to tell you that we're only a couple minutes from landing." He stood up and put his hands in his pockets. "I'll just be going." He said as he walked for the door.

"I'll be out in a few." I called after him as he went to close the door.

"Alright, see you then." He closed the door and I took a few breaths before I rubbed my face, cleaning it of tears and trying to get rid of the sleep that lingered. I stood up and took off the jacket Pietro had thrown at me that day. I draped it over my arm and headed out of the room. 

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