Chapter Sixteen: Come Home Cas

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Charlie had taken the room next to Dean's and when she heard the Impala pull up she sat up listening. There was a brief amount of talking, though the voices were too muffled to make out the words. It got very quiet in Dean's room and then someone moaned. She was pretty sure it was Dean. She fought the urge to squeal and instead grabbed her phone. Sam's number was at the top of her list and she hurried to the bathroom before hitting send. Sam answered on the third ring. "I assume you're calling with an update?" He asked with a laugh. "Sam! They're doing it right now!" "Where are you?" He asked, laughing. "I took the room next door. I can hear Dean through the wall!" She started laughing and ended up doubled over on the bathroom floor. Dean was only getting louder in the room next door and it just made her laugh so hard that eventually no sound was coming out. "Was that Dean?" Sam asked suddenly when there came a scream from the room next door. "Oh God! Yes it was!" She gasped. "Oh, gross!" Sam said and groaned. The sounds in the room next door quieted down. "Oh thank God!" Charlie gasped and poked her head out of the bathroom. "You're echoing, are you in the bathroom?" Sam asked her. "Yes, it's the furthest I could get away from where the bed is that they're in." She replied. "Dude, you have issues. You should go out, get a drink, meet a nice girl and NOT listen to my brother having sex. Ewww, I don't even want to THINK about my brother having sex. I think I'm going to go throw up now." He complained. "I did meet a nice girl last night. She's coming over here when her shift is over." She replied. "Oh, going to pay Dean back?" He laughed loudly in her ear. "Of course. Then I can pick on him the whole ride back." "You're evil." Sam was laughing again. "Maybe things will lighten up around here again if Cas comes back with him. Or else Cas can keep his crabby butt there." Charlie sighed and sat down on the bed. "Cas was playing hard to get, but Dean didn't give up. I think if Cas doesn't come back he very well might just stay here. So, if you need a roommate there at the bunker..." She chuckled, and he snickered. "Dean can be very persuasive when he wants to be. Besides, I can't imagine Cas being happy in a big city like that. All that crime? All the sinning? It has to be overwhelming for him." He said. "He literally goes to work and goes back to his room. I don't think he's really getting out to see all the sinning that's going on. And that's probably a good thing." She laid back in the bed and looked up at the ceiling. "Dean's really happy?" Sam asked. "I'll send you the video I took oft them last night at dinner. It's sickening how cute they are, and how happy they make each other. It's like he's a completely different person." She pulled the video up and sent it to him. "I got it. I'll check it out. Hey, I'm going to go and watch it. Let me know when you guys are on your way back." He said. "Will do. See ya soon!" She hung up and looked over at the wall. Dean owed her, she just knew it. She wasn't letting him live this one down.


He didn't remember falling asleep but a noise in the next room woke him some time during the night and he lifted his head off the pillow trying to get his bearings. It slowly dawned on him that he was laying tangled in the motel room bed with Cas and they'd had the most amazing sex of his life, but the moans and screams coming from the next room were drawing his attention and he rolled onto his back listening more intently than he knew he should. Then it dawned on him: That was Charlie he was hearing! "Oh God..." He muttered softly. Had she heard them earlier? Was she in her room when...? He draped an arm over his face and groaned. Cas stirred next to him and moved close again, slipping an around Dean's waist and snuggling up against him. "Something wrong?" He yawned. Then he heard it too and his head picked up off the pillow. "Is that Charlie?" He asked. "Yeah. And I'm pretty sure she heard us earlier too." Dean moaned, completely embarrassed. "Oh. Ohhhhh...." Cas realized what Dean was saying but instead of hiding his face in embarrassment he was grinning. Dean looked at him, shock written across his face. "Cas, that's not funny. Knowing her she made an audio recording and sent it to Sam, and then put it on the internet. I had no idea these walls were this thin." He covered his face again but Cas pulled his hands away and kissed him softly. "I'm not ashamed of anything I do with you." He kissed Dean again, slowly, drawing his attention away from the two women in the room next door. Cas pressed his body against Dean's until there wasn't an inch of space between them and tucked his head into the crook of Dean's neck. "I just want to lay here forever with you." He murmured. "Will you come home with me?" Dean asked softly. "Yes Dean, I'll come home. I don't ever want to leave you again." Cas replied, lifting his head enough to look up at Dean. When he saw the pure joy on his face Cas smiled. ""I love you Dean Winchester." Dean's own grin grew wider. "I love you too Cas."

So I hope everyone enjoyed this.  I enjoyed writing it.  You can also find this over on AO3 as well as others I've written.

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