Part 2

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Varian stepped up in front of the entrance to the cabin. "You know, kids used to dare each other to come here because it was haunted. They used to say that's why Miss Gothal left it."

"Wait? You knew about here?"

"Not the secret underground place you told me about, but yeah, I used to come here all the time when I was little. It was a way to find a way to be alone when I didn't want anyone bothering me... more specifically, the kids that caused the reason for me not to attend the local school." He stepped inside.

"You mean bullies?"

"Anything new?"

"I suppose I guessed..."

"Don't worry, they only shout and chant things at me anymore. Too cowardly to come into a ten foot radius since my automaton attack... don't know if that's something I should be proud of..." Varian muttered the last part as Rapunzel followed him into the cabin.

"So, you taught everything to yourself?"

"Since I was nine. When my dad had taught me all his knowledge on science, math and so forth. So I taught myself with my mom's books. I liked being homeschooled. It was just the fact that I was considered dangerous that I was not able to make friends... at least, not until you."

"I was your first friend?"

"Yeah... and Cassie-er-Casandra and Eugene..."

"No wonder why you felt so betrayed. You really did have no one..."

"It wasn't your fault. Besides, those days are behind us and I'd rather not speak of them. At least, not now. We have a job to do." He stopped when Rapunzel opened the entrance.

Varian took in a deep breath. Rapunzel set a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Nervous?"

"...Yeah... I was not expecting to become a council member, a leader overnight... It's very overwhelming..."

"I know, and it's the last thing I wanted to do is to put this pressure on you. I know what it feels like to suddenly be thrown a role you never exactly wanted at you just like that... Thank you for stepping up. Look at what you've already done! You got an entire council to agree to your plan in less than ten minutes!"

"I just hope I don't give them cause to regret that decision..." Varian mumbled to himself as he tied his glowing chemicals to a staff. "Gas, right?"


"I have this mask with the tank of air, incase you were wondering what I had strapped to my back. It has two areas where we can breathe into if it turns out that we have an issue with the gas."

"I'll bring some flowers so that if they wilt, we no to put on the masks," Rapunzel suggested.

"Great! Let's begin!"

Together, Varian and Rapunzel made their way into the cave.

"So the critter problem?" Varian inquired.

"Can be delt with if have a lot of light. They hate sun light," Rapunzel answered.

"So, if I can amplify my chemical lights, make it brighter like the sun, we can avoid the whole critter issue. I'll have it ready by noon tomorrow, I'm sure..."

"Varian, aren't taking on more than you should? Just because it's your plan and you're a council member does not mean you can do everything."

"I-I know that Rapunzel. It's fine. It's just until we get this whole storm situation under control. Everyone else is pack full themselves, it's not just me. Besides, I'm used to working nonstop. It's kinda what I just do."

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