Part 3

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"All leaks have been triple check and they're all secure," a woman said.

Rapunzel sighed.  "Phew.  That's a relief..."

"Uh... Princess..."  Dara called.

"Yeah?"  Rapunzel had to hold off a groan.

"The light isn't working anymore," Dara answered and Rapunzel realized that it kept flickering.

"Oh, no!" Rapunzel breathed.

"We can just use lanterns," a man said.

"No, no, you don't understand!  This light can't come off or we might end up meeting a giant mole!  And for one, he is one face I would not like to meet again!"

"Our Alchemist is currently stuck, right?"  Someone asked.

"Oh!  I don't know...  I hope he get out but I promised I'd meet him there, but there's so much to do here..."  Rapunzel took in a deep breath.  "Xavier can you try something with the light?  I have to run and pick up Varian.  He can work with it then.  I'm sorry to leave you all in this mess..."

"Go, we can handle this!"  Dara encouraged.

"Ok," Rapunzel said before taking off.


Varian and Irene sat on the ground.  Irene was making a flower chain and Varian was just plucking the grass while they waited for Rapunzel to come get them.  They weren't exactly sure where they were, so they thought it would just be safer to wait.  Unless they had come out of the wrong exit, Rapunzel should be around pretty soon.

"So... you um... how long have you been into alchemy?"  Irene asked.

"As long as I can remember.  I used to do it with my mom when I was really little, but I don't exactly remember those days."

"Oh.  What happened?"

"She left when I was three.  I don't know why, I think it was some sort of unfinished mission.  I'm not certain.  My dad can't talk about her.  She died on that mission.  Don't know how or why, but that's just how things have been.  Me and my dad."

"I'm sorry to hear that..."

Varian shrugged. "Meh... how about you?"

"I um... I uh... my mom has been gone since before I was little and dad well.. I also had a brother... but..."

"I'm sorry..." Varian immediately decided to change the conversation, seeing that she was bothered by the topic.  "You know, I always wanted a sibling. I mean, I have Rapunzel and Eugene-"

"I should have guessed that was the girl you claimed as your sister.  You two get along very well-"  Irene exclaimed.

"Did... did I forget to mention who she was?"  Varian asked.

Irene nodded.

"Oh... well, now you know," Varian chuckled nervously.

They stopped talking when they heard hooves hitting the ground.  Varian smiled.  "That must be Rapunzel and Max!"

"Oh, thank goodness!"  Irene exclaimed.

"Hey, Rapunzel!  We're over here!"  They both froze when they saw that the rider was a cloaked figure.

The rider came to a stop, taking off his hood.  "Excuse me, are you waiting for someone?"

"Yes..." Varian said slowly, trying to pick his words wisely.  He was very skeptical of strangers like him.  Of course he didn't want to just assume things because he looked villainy.

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