Part 1

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You lived a normal life. Worked as a teacher at the local high school, had tons of lovely students who greeted you in the mornings with smiles and waves of their hands. The parents often came to your classroom and thanked you for being a guide to their children, helping them with decisions about their future or everyday life problems. You were more than happy to be a guide, besides the plus of home baked treats as part of their gratitude.

You lived just outside town, near enough the basic places you needed on a weekly basis but far enough you weren't disturbed by the city life or loud neighbors. You liked to think of your home as a cabin in the woods, with the cloudy weather and the ruffling of leaves as the wind blew through the trees.

A simple life.

But your favorite part was the woods behind your small community. The smell of pine and rain filling your lungs as you walked by the dirt path, watching the small forest animals past you. It was your form of therapy and alone time, even if you always were alone.

You never met someone who you looked at and said I want to spend the rest of my life with them. It just didn't happen. Your ex-boyfriend of three years broke up with you a couple months back and, although sad and heartbroken, you were more afraid of the change in routines you would have to make to return to a single person lifestyle. You got over it pretty quickly and wandered if you were capable of love, if you ever actually loved him. You were for sure fond of him, but the idea of marriage and a family never crossed your mind and they took notice of it, ending things with you.

Your life consisted of your work as a teacher and your friends.

One monday afternoon you got out of work real late, catching up in grading some exams you still had to return to your students. The only reason you even thought about stopping being the sound of your phone ringing. You reached for it, eyes still on the exam at hand. "Hello?" you said, not looking at who was calling you.

"Y/N dear," said a warm voice on the line that you recognized as your neighbor, Mrs. Wallis "Are you home?" she asked, making you stop holding the phone with your hand instead of your shoulder.

"No Mrs. Wallis, I'm still at the school." you told her, getting up from your desk and putting all your things inside your bag "Is something wrong?" you asked in concern, moving faster.

"Well, your kitchen light is on but since I didn't see your car here I got worried" you could hear movement from her side of the line, the ruffling of her curtains and her hurried steps that told you she was looking across the street from her window, just where your house was "Do you want me to call the cops, dear?"

"Please, Mrs. Wallis" you mumbled, starting your car "I'll be there soon" you told her, hanging up and racing to your house.


You drove like the devil himself was after you. Luckily the streets were empty and you made a 15 minute drive into one of 5. And just as Mrs. Wallis said your kitchen light was on and you were sure you didn't leave it on by accident, your time spent mostly on the living room or your room. The kitchen being the isolated room of the house.

You were probably going to regret this, making your way carefully to the door. You slid your key on the lock, softly twisting it until it opened with a soft click. You gave yourself a mental pat in the back for keeping your doors oiled as it opens smoothly with no sound at all.

But your proud self drew back deep into your mind, replaced by your previous panicked state at the sounds coming from the kitchen. You took the umbrella by the door as a weapon, not the greatest choice but you had to improvise. The soft sounds you heard by the door quickly turned into grunts and you gripped the umbrella tightly to your body.

Ghost Of You | Draco Malfoy x Muggle Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now