Part 2

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The next morning you lay awake staring at the ceiling, your eyes following the slow movement of the fan. Did all of that really happened? The sound in the guest room next to yours gave you your answer. With a sigh you moved the covers getting out of bed just in time to stop your alarm, having waking up long before it sounded.

You took a short shower, washing your teeth and doing quick work on your hair and work clothes. Just as you walked to your door your arm froze mid air, your grasp on the knob tight as footsteps sounded from the opposite side. A gulp formed in your throat, only being able to swallow it when his footsteps sounded far away going downstairs.

You followed his trail careful to not make a sound, curious as to why was he up so early and what he was doing, not like he had much to do in your house, his job was to hide. And then it hit you again, the panic you felt the day before. If he needed to hide was because someone was looking for him.

The question was: Is he the guilty of the innocent?

You made your way to the kitchen, as he seemed to like the kitchen, finding him sitting with a newspaper in hand. Where did he get that newspaper? You walked past him, going straight to get your coffee mug. "Morning" you said turning to him.

He lazily lifted his eyes from the page, a frown quickly setting in his forehead "Where are you going?" Draco asked you, closing the newspaper and carefully placing it on the table.

"To work" your gripped tighten around your bag on your shoulder, watching as his eyes hardened.

"You're not going." he stated, getting to his feet and blocking the kitchen entrance with his body. You mirrored his stance, crossing your arms over your body, squinting your eyes at him. "You forget I can make you do whatever I want." he told you pulling, what you decided to refer to as his wand, out of nowhere.

"That's not our deal, remember?" you said back "I can't just miss work. I have to get the future of this planet ready!" you said completely serious, earning a scoff from him.

He rolled his eyes, turning in his place to pace around the kitchen "They'll survive a few days without you, I'm sure there's plenty of teachers around" he claimed.

A squeak of surprise left your mouth, capturing his attention as he turned his face to you "Excuse me, but I got that job for a reason," you told him, voice higher as you grabbed your mug with determination "I am the only one capable of doing it."

As soon as the last word left your mouth you quickly turned on your heel, marching towards the back door through the washing room, missing the look of shock in his eyes at his completely unawareness of the existence of that way out. He shook himself out of the state of shock, grabbing his coat from where he had left it last night and ran out the front door.

"What the hell are you doing?" you screamed as soon as the passenger door of your car was closed, he looked a little lost but said nothing and you huffed "You can't come with me." you said, seeing right through him at his true intentions.

"If you are so set in going to work I am going with you" he said coldly "I'm not risking you telling someone"

"I am not telling anyone!" you yelled, slamming your hands in the wheel in exasperation, accidently honking and making you jump in surprise. You hid your face in your arms, keeping in the groan at the pain from hitting your head. "I'm just going to work." you muttered in defeat raising your head slightly, catching a glimpse of his amused face before it quickly turned dead once more. You straighten your back completely, glaring at him "Are you making fun of me?" you asked him angrily.

"No." he said turning to face the front "Now drive before I force you to go inside again." You didn't fight him this time, opting to have him follow you like he was your tail than missing work. Maybe you could make something out of this.

Ghost Of You | Draco Malfoy x Muggle Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now