Part 7

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You woke up to the soft warm feeling of something at the side of your face., trying to move you found yourself unable to get out of the strong grasp of someone around your waist. You were about to jump out of the bed when the sight of messy platinum hair let you relax once again in his hold.

The only person you had ever been that close being Jack, you almost thought for a moment he was the one in your bed. But then it dawned on you this wasn't your room and you weren't home. The events from the previous night filling your head so fast and all at once your head started to spin, a dizziness overtaking you entirely.

Carefully you grabbed Draco's arm, unwrapping them from around you. He stirred in his sleep, making you freeze in place. He mumbled something and turned his back to you, hugging the pillow as his breathing continued to be as even as it was all night. You were tempted to return to bed, lay beside him and admire his peaceful sleeping self, but something told you he wouldn't appreciate that and you thought it would be kind of weird. So with no more sleep in you to get back in bed, you got out of the room.

You walked barefoot to the living room seeing the couch where Jack rested last night empty, not a sign in sight that he had been there.

"You don't have to worry about your friend." a gasp left your lips, jumping in your place to face Hermione in the kitchen. The living room and the kitchen a big room divided by a wooden table that made the perfect separation. "I left him in the school you both work at with no memory of magic. He thinks he was out of town for the weekend."

You nodded, muttering a thank you in her way. "I didn't know you were awake." you breathed a laugh, going to sit in the table right across where she stood next to the stove. "Why are you awake so early?"

"I could ask you the same." she said, pouring a cup of steaming tea "Tea?" she offered, serving another cup. She carried them to the table. sitting next to you with a soft smile. "I wasn't the one running from Death Eaters only last night."

"I guess I'm in good shape." you joked, getting a chuckle from her "I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep." you said later, taking the warm cup in your hands.

She hummed, drinking away at her tea without a care in the world "I'm not used to sleeping much," she shared, giving you a side glance "Never was a priority for me. Not when I was little, not at school and certainly not now." she laughed, a bitter tone behind her words.

"Why not?" you asked, leaning your body against the table.

She looked your way, turning her body towards you in interest "Well when I was little I always was up doing something else that seemed more important than sleeping. At school, Hogwarts actually," she said with a shake of her head, the memories running wild in her mind "Ron, our best friend Harry and I were always getting in trouble. There wasn't a year we weren't looking for the big bad villain and how to defeat them, reading and learning everything I could to keep everyone safe was more important than sleeping."

You were staring at her in awe, the most important thing you had to lose sleep over being your tests and homework when you were in college.

"Now it's a habit," she said with the roll of her eyes "It doesn't matter if I can barely stand up with my eyes open. I only sleep for 4 hours, 5 if I'm lucky." she said with a shrug of her shoulders "I guess running from death eaters and surviving a war does that to you." she said lowly, but you heard her perfectly fine in the peaceful silence of the flat.

"A war?" you asked shakily, a sense of pity raising in you but never letting it show. You could tell she didn't like being pitied "How long have you been running from them?"

She looked at you with even more interest, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat you mirrored her movements "We did for months, maybe a little more than a year. I can't really tell." she explained "But Draco has been doing it for years now." she was about to say more, but she sensed there were things Draco had to tell you himself "That's what I told him he could come here if he needed help, I knew he would need at least one friend. Didn't know he actually had one." she said, cocking an eyebrow at you and you realized she was referring to you.

Ghost Of You | Draco Malfoy x Muggle Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now