Part 6

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As soon as you felt solid ground beneath your feet you let go of Draco's tight grip in your hand, running to the nearest secluded place and emptied the contents of your stomach. You felt your hair be pulled away from your face, a hand running up and down your back in a comforting manner.

It took you a few minutes to recompose yourself, using the back of your hand to clean the corners of your mouth "What was that?" you asked with a shaky breath, staring into his grey eyes.

"We just apparated," he explained, pulling you to where Jack still laid unconscious "It's a form of transportation. I promise I'll explain everything later, right now we're still in danger."

You looked around, the deserted streets making you the more nervous "Can they follow us?" you asked, placing Jack's arm around your shoulder, following Draco's movement.

"Probably," he answered with total honesty, not really helping to ease your nerves in the slightest "But this is a safe house, the people who live here will help us." he told you with a small smile. He looked to the old building, swallowing the gulp in his throat and advancing to the door with determination.

At least he hoped they would help them.

The building was divided in maybe three floors, two flats in each one. The walls were an old cream color that had darkened with time, a few stains in them due to the humidity. Draco wondered why they were living in a place like this, but he wasn't in the place to ask or even judge. He didn't have a place of his own, that was better than anything he had at the moment.

To their bad luck, the floor they were looking for was the top one, the only way there through the stairs.

"How are we going to get Jack up there?" you asked Draco, sweat already running down your back even in the chill air of the night. "He's slim but the man is heavy."

"I noted," Draco muttered, accommodating Jack's arm around his shoulder. An idea popped in his head, taking a hesitant glance at you "I can do something, if you want, but I don't know if you want me..."

"You just teleported us here," you said with a laugh, not believing the words leaving your own mouth "It can't be any worse, right?"

Draco looked back at you, considering if he should do it but one look at the stairs made his mind instantly. He told you to put Jack down and go up to make sure no one else was in the halls that could possibly see you.

You ran up the stairs, poking your head from the top floor "All clear!" you whisper-shouted, giving him a thumbs up. You heard him chuckle at you, before he disappeared for a moment, he started going upstairs and you wondered if he had left Jack behind, not doubting one second he would be capable of doing so.

But then he arrived next to you, his wand held high pointed at the flying body of Jack.

Your jaw dropped as he placed it surprisingly softly on the ground "You levitated his body." you whispered more to yourself, making sure you hadn't hallucinated the whole thing.

Draco walked slowly beside you, moving a piece of hair behind your ear "Are you alright?" he asked softly, your eyes wandering in the air where his body flew seconds ago. You didn't trust your voice in that movement so you limited your response to a weak nod.

"The flat is at the end of the hall," he said when you stayed quiet "Can you stay here and make sure your friend here doesn't do anything to kill us all?"

"Yeah," you mumbled, sitting on the floor next to his sleeping form. Draco watched as you placed his head in your lap, running your hands through his hair. He pursed his lips before turning to walk away "Draco?" you called, his head turning to you "Don't be too long."

Ghost Of You | Draco Malfoy x Muggle Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now