Part 9

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Six months ago the death eaters had attacked you and Draco at your home. Six months that you had learned magic was real, not only real but that wizards and witches had lived among you for centuries and no one had ever noticed before.

You thought you were going crazy the first time you experienced magic, that night a little before the attack that a handsome man had broken inside your house with a terrible wound in the side of his stomach. He had leaned towards your ear and whispered his will and you wanted nothing more than to do as he said. And you did. You told officer Forbes everything was fine when inside your head there was a little voice that told you to scream and run, to yell that a hot but intimidating man with a wand was in your house.

Thanks to whoever has to be thanked for his magic whispering in your ear.

You didn't know how you ended up here, and you didn't want to ask questions that would compromise this, the happiness that you felt couldn't compare to anything that you had previously felt in your entire life. If you died tomorrow you'd be fine with that.

The front door to your house opened and you jumped to your feet, making the short walk to the entrance. The little breeze that blew outside make his way inside your house before Draco could close the door, his coat and hair wet with little droplets falling on his forehead. "Hello, love." he said, a little shiver running down his body as he shook his arms out of his coat.

You took it for him, putting it in its right place before you faced him again, your jaw slack as his hair and shirt were completely dry. "What..."

He shrugged, giving you a dismissive wave of his hand as he walked past you "Drying spell." he muttered, walking into the kitchen with you following close behind.

Six months and you still were surprised by what he could do with a simple word and the flick of his wand.

"Right," you muttered with a laugh, smiling as you thought back to all the times you had almost ran out of your house because he had done something you weren't expecting. Magic not having to do with a few of them.


The first time you went back to work was pure chaos. Students and teachers alike were so concerned about you missing out on an entire week of work they thought your sickness was more serious than you had let them know to be.

Officer Forbes was considerate and kind, but also a great friend of yours. So when he went to your house and found it empty with no sign of you they almost reported you as missing. Fortunately, they had to wait a certain amount of time to officially report you missing. Enough time for you and Draco to return to your house and claim that he had a family emergency which required both your presences.

Missing a week of work also meant that you had a week worth of homework and essays to go over. You lived at the school for the most time and time slipped from your fingers like sand, noticing the late hours of the night by Draco going to get you .

The soft knock on the door pulled you from the comical yet extremely disappointing answers one of your students had thought worth putting in the test. You told them to come in, a yawn escaping your lips as you stretched your arms over your head. A smile placed in your lips as you saw the blond man enter the classroom. "Hi." you said, putting the most innocent face you could come up with as you waited for his lecture.

"It's almost ten," he said with a little hint of annoyance "You should have been back hours ago." his voice had changed and he now sounded concerned, making you feel guilty as you looked out the window, the sun was nowhere to be seen.

Ghost Of You | Draco Malfoy x Muggle Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now