Flying a little (too?) high

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They looked around. Standing at what looked to be the helm, which was a sphere and a wii remote, was a teenage boy. He looked elish, with high cheekbones and pointed ears. Mischief was written all over him. He looked like Santa's Latino elf. He stood there, agape. "Hey Festus...get everyone on deck. Theres a group of sixth graders that just materialized." A series of clicks came from the front of the ship, though they couldn't see its origin. In no time there were 6 other teens on the deck too. The kids were all sitting still, scared out of their minds. When the others burst onto the deck they all stopped. "Leo, what in Hades is going on?" The blonde girl asked. "Hey, Annabeth, chill." That got a snort out of a girl with frizzy hair. "I was just manning the controls, heard a crash, and this is what I found." All the people drew weapons, except the boy named Leo. The teenagers stared them down, while holding them, simultaneously, at knife point, sword point, and bow point. "Woah woah woah." Frisk went as she stood with her hands up. "We come in peace. We have no idea what is going on." All they got were cold glares. "Yeah right, what kinda monsters are you!" A girl with brown hair and a dark tan yelled. Frisk looked at her comrades, shaking in fear as they leaned away, still on the floor and scared to stand.

Meanwhile, Leo couldn't stop looking at this boy. He looked older than the rest, maybe 20. What was really confusing, was this strange piece of tech that was tucked away in his pocket. Leo had no idea what it was. It wasn't bigger than a half dollar.

Frisk didn't know what to say. She never was good with words. The person closest to her, the black haired boy, had his sword tip at shoulder level of Frisk. The point was no more than a foot from her chest. The teenagers lowered their weapons with equal looks of concern all around. That's when Frisk heard it. "Wybie! C'mon Wybie, wake up!" Coraline was crying. Wybie was looking feverish, and had collapsed onto her. The blonde rushed over and picked him up. Coraline stood. "No! Don't touch him!" The blonde, Annabeth, right, spoke. "I only want to help, you can follow me if you want." They ran below deck. The air next to Frisk shimmered, and the teens raised their weapons again. "Monster!" Frisk threw herself in front of the newly appeared girl. "NO!" Too late. An arrow pierced threw her shoulder.

She screamed in pain and collapsed onto Chara. The girl laid Frisk down gently, stood, and glared at the teens. A knife shimmered into her hands, a trick she had been working on. "What do you think you're doing! YOU SHOT HER!?!" Chara yelled in anger, and threw her knife into the ground. It sank hilt deep into the metal. "HEY!" Leo yelled. Chara sank down and took to Frisk. "Someone, help me." It came out as a whisper. She looked up. No one moved. "SOMEONE HELP ME!" A blonde boy rushed forward and helped her pick up Frisk. They rushed below deck. The others stood. It was only Fran, Chris, and Micheal left on deck with the teens. "Are you demigods or something?" the black haired boy asked. "Demi-what?" Chris asked. Leo walked up to Micheal. "Hey, not to be rude, but you've got some real high tech stuff in you pocket. Mind if I take a look?" The brown haired girl stifled a laugh. "Really Leo? Is now really the time?" Another teen asked. This one was Asian, and looked like a muscular marshmallow. Leo sighed and mumbled, "..maybe later...."

"What are you?" The girl with curly brown hair asked. "My name is Chris, that's my brother Micheal, and this is-" Fran interrupted him. "I'm Fran, Fran Bow." The silence edged on. A cry of pain from below deck sent them all running. When they got down there, Annabeth was trying to calm down Frisk, who had shoved her off and ran into the corner. Chara was trying to comfort her too, but between blood loss and hyperventilating she was not getting better. Frisk slid to the floor, still bleeding and they rushed her back to the bed. In the next room, they heard talking, and Fran walked in. "You okay kid?" The blonde wasn't trying to talk to Wybie, but his eyes were glazed over. "You won't be able to get an answer." The blonde looked over. "Hey, I'm Jason. Can I get some help with this?" He guestered to Wybie. "His mind is too weak to handle all the magic. He keeps passing out." Jason looked confused, but then nodded. "Must be a mortal." Fran nodded. "Whatever the rest of us are, we are not mortal." Jason shrugged. "Well I'm also gonna guess that you aren't demigods." Fran nodded. "I'm an inter dimensional traveler. The rest all have their own stories, that I will let them tell."

Jason shrugged. It wasn't the strangest thing that had happened this year. "So what are the rest of you guys?" Fran thought for a moment. "Chris and Chara, the knife girl, are both ghosts. Coraline has a portal in her living room that no one believes her about. You already know Wybie. And then there's Micheal....." Jason stared at her. "You have two ghosts, a clear sighted mortal, a normal mortal, and whatever Micheal is in your group?" Fran nodded. "I mean demigods are weird but that's just crazy." Fran frowned. "Not crazy, just weird. But that reminds me." She took off her pack and pulled out her duotine. "I wanna try something." Jason looked curiously at the pills. "What are those for?" Fran popped one into her mouth. Jason has lighting arcing around him, but otherwise looks normal. "They help me see people's powers and auras." She shifted her gaze back. Jason smiled and leaned forward. "What do I look like?" He asked excitedly. "You look normal, but have electricity arcing around you." Jason shrugged. "Guess that makes sense. I can call lightning and my father is Jupiter." Fran sighed. "Great, now I have to read up on...Greek and Roman mythology." Jason laughed. "We get that a lot

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