Fixing the glitch

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There was a sizzle like water on circuits, and a human rabbit hybrid was sitting in front of Chris. "Christopher? Why have you called upon me?" He asked. "I found my father." Glitchtrap's eyes shot open. "Is he here?" Glitchtrap asked quietly. Chris nodded. "Can I speak to him?" Chris grabbed Glitchtrap's hand and pulled him downstairs. The group had moved to the kitchen, but William still sat staring at his hands with a small smile. He looked up when he heard footsteps and his eyes were swallowed with fear when he saw Glitchtrap. "Glitchy....?" He mumbles quietly. Glitchtrap nods and sits next to him. "I think it's well past time for me to give you what I took." Glitchtrap hugged William and then a purple glowed in his eyes. Will's few gray hairs turned back to brown, and his faraway look was replaced by peace. His clothes patched, and his face cleaned. Glitchtrap coughed, and his body glitched out of control until he faded into a shadow and that too melted away. Will was passed out, his head in the corner, and was looking at peace for one of the first times Chris had seen in a while.

Charlie walked into the room and saw them. She looked surprised and then sat next to Chris. "So." Chris looked up, tears and a giant smile on his face. "So what?" He asked. Charlie pointed to William. "He, he is fixed. His mind is healed, and his story is told." Charlie put an arm around Chris's shoulder. "This is the start of a new era. The debt is repaid, and crack is sealed. We can be free again. But first, we have to work on a plan." Charlie stood and held Chris's wrist and dragged him to the kitchen. Everyone was snacking and talking about what to do. Everyone except Clara who was reading and re-reading the book William wrote in. Techno and Philza were trying to determine where they would go. Suddenly a letter flew through a crack under the door.

Micheal picked it up. "It's from Elizabeth. She says that she is on her way. She snuck out with her friend.....Alice. Should be here any minute." There was a knock on the door. Tommy opened it. "Uhm, hi. I'm Elizabeth. I hope you got my letter?" She smiled awkwardly. Tommy laughed. "We just did. Come in. Everyone is waiting for you!" She grabbed the hand the girl behind her, and they walked inside. 


Sorry for the short chapter. I just wanted to give you something. I may take a small break from this story, just to write a bit more of it out. 

I have decided to take a three week break from this story. In 21 days, you will get a super chapter of 3000 words or more, I promise. However! I will be writing, just not updating. I will be updating my newest story, "Will highschool just fuck off?" and, reviving my old story, the PJO/HOO and Harry Potter crossover. If you were upset that one of the only fandoms I left out was HP, I am writing a story just for you!

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