Who are we?

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"Hey uh, guys?" It was the darker girl. With the gold eyes. "Your friend Micheal is kinda freaking out."

Fran followed the girl, who introduced herself as Hazel, into what looked like a dining/conference room. There was Frisk sitting at the table next to Chara who were shrinking away from the corner of the room. In the corner slightly crouched and looking terrified, was Mike. Standing nearby was Chris, trying to calm him, a guilty looking Leo, and a concerned boy and girl, the raven-haired one and the feather hair. "What did you guys do to him." Fran shouted. "I only asked if I could take a look at the chip thingy in his pocket. I reached for it and he flipped out." I looked to Chris, who was trying to reach for his brother's hand.

Eventually they got him to sit down at the table.

"So, we should probably introduce ourselves. I'm Percy, Son of Poseidon, Two time savior of Olympus." The black haired boy said. He sat down and Leo stood up. "I'm Leo, son of Hephaestus, as most of you know. Supreme Commander of the Argo II, and Super Sized Bad Boy McShizzle." Next was Annabeth, then Jason, then the Asian boy, Frank, then the feather hair, Piper, then the darker girl Hazel. Then the kids(and Micheal) introduced themselves.

"I'm Fran Bow, inter dimensional traveler and a seer."

"Frisk Dreemurr, I live in an Underground society of peaceful-ish monsters" At the word monsters there were some jumps but Frisk explained that in her universe the, good, monsters had been banished to the Underground and now had a society which she couldn't save but didn't want to leave.

"Princess Chara Dreemurr, I committed suicide trying to save the monsters, but my plan failed and I was asleep until Frisk awakened me. There's a lot more to our story, but I don't feel comfortable sharing that."

"Coraline, Coraline Jones. I had a portal to an Alternative Universe where an evil monster created a world that was designed to lure me in so she could steal and devour my soul. She had done that to three others. My friend Wybie helped me trap her and destroy the key. Turns out the evil woman was an evil spider woman." At Spider Percy and Annabeth shuddered.

"I'm Chris Afton. I died when I was 8 at my birthday party. That was 30 years ago. It was a prank, which my brother Micheal was tricked into taking part in, gone wrong. My whole family is kinda messed up. My father was a mass child murderer because ⅔ kids died and he was trying to find a way to bring me back. My mother died in a car accident and her soul went into a robot my father had made. My sister was killed and then possessed the robot that killed her. My father accidentally released the souls of the dead kids from their robotic prison and they killed him. They all eventually got released into the afterlife in a fire caused by my father's business partner Henry, who was avenging the death of his daughter who my father killed, and his daughter was also released in that fire." That got him some stares.

"I'm Micheal Afton, and my story is Chris's story, but I am also dead, kinda. This is not my actual appearance. I-" Chris cut in. "You don't have to show them." Micheal sighed. They deserve to know, and also if I Do this Leo can examine the tech." Everyone was staring at him. "What do you mean 'kinda', you're either dead or you're not." Frank asked. "I can show you, if you'd like. My father was a brilliant engineer. He built dozens of incredible robots, and a few other things. The thing in my pocket is an Illusion Disc. It uses radio waves to alter what you see. Once I remove it from my pocket my appearance will change."

Five minutes later they were all in Leo's room, with Leo ready to examine the disc as soon as it was gone from Micheal's grasp. "Okay.....here goes nothing." He took the disc out of his pocket and handed it to Leo. "Gah!" Percy fell back. "How did he get like that!?" Hazel asked. She didn't understand how someone could be so caught in the middle. "The scooper." Chris stated. "Okay.....?" Frank asked. "Care to elaborate?" "A group of robots fused together and used the scooper to create this, as a way to hide inside of him so they could be free. Once the body had rotted they abandoned ship. He somehow survived because his soul didn't leave his body. He was like this until yesterday when I activated the chip." They all looked sadly at the rotting man. Leo however, looked ecstatic. "This tech is amazing! I'll have to build some of these. It's like the Mist but mechanical and never swaying!" After he had scanned the chip into his computer database so he could make them, he handed the chip back. The air shimmered and we had Micheal back. 

"Soooooo." Fran said. "Now that we all know each other, we have to figure out how to get back home." "Wait!" Leo put in. "Before we do that, since we are on auto pilot, can we do a demonstration of powers for those that have them?" The other demigods looked at him. "Please?" Annabeth sighed. "Fine Leo. Everyone on deck."

In a few moments the two groups, those who have powers, were standing across from each other.

Percy went first. He brought up water from the ocean and made it into shapes. A dolphin, a fish, and they moved through the air. Then Leo. He made himself burst into flames, causing Frank to flinch. Then Piper. She shouted out commands. "Jump." Jason followed all her commands. "Do a flip." "Be a monkey." Soon we were all laughing. Hazel pulled a few precious stones from the water, melted them, and threw them back. Frank turned into an eagle. "Stand back." We all took a few stops toward the edge of the deck. Jason put his hands in the air. The air smelled of ozone and lightning crashed down. The group was impressed.

Then it was their turn. "Okay so to understand my powers you have to know." Frisk said "I can save and then go back to that save point. I can also reset, which I won't do for this. Someone get a clock." Percy pulled up his sleeve to reveal a watch. Frisk summoned the star and saved. "Okay what time is it?" "10:23" She waited a moment, concentrating for a few minutes and then turned back time. "Ok what is the time now." "10........10:23! That's incredible. You could best any villain! Win any battle!" Frisk looked at her feet. "It can be a blessing, but with evil it can be used to kill innocent people endlessly, to people who know about them and remember the resets and saves, it traps them in an endless loop." Before she knew it, she was crying. Chara sat her down and comforted her.

Chris stepped forward. He turned into a purple bear shadow, scaring the crew.

Then Chara stood. "I can sense all forms of weaponry. You," she pointed to Piper, "have a dagger in your boot. And the pen in your pocket," she pointed to Percy, "is a sword. You have a box of arrows around 20 feet below deck. There are 18 knives in the kitchen. Oh and I can do this." She held out her palm. Piper's shoe flew off and a bronze dagger in her hand and she handed the dagger back to Piper. "I can also summon them." She held her hand out again and a knife shimmer and floated above her palm. She swung her hand and the knife flew off the deck and into the ocean.

Frisk stood again. "I have another power. Someone get hurt." They all looked to Leo. "Ugh fine, someone punch my nose, we have Ambrosia we can just fix it." Piper stepped forward. "I'm really sorry Leo." She drew her fist back and socked him in the nose. "Gaaah! Dam Pipes, I didn't know you could hit that hard!" Frisk stepped forward. "Come here." Leo stepped forward holding his nose. Frisk touched his face with both hands. White light glowed around them. When the light dimmed Leo's nose was fixed. "Holy cow! We should keep her around, even ambrosia keeps the bruise!" Frisk laughed. "I'm the one who keeps healing Wybie. I can fix most things. Broken bones are easy. Mental pain can take a lot. I once even cured insanity. I was extremely drained and it took me a month to get the power back, but I did. I barely drained my power fixing him, but if you want anything fixed I can help. Percy and Annabeth stepped forward. "Can we talk below deck?" "Sure!"

"So what metal help do they need?" The 5 kids looked at each other. "They went to literal hell and back together. It took a huge toll on their sanity. Nightmares, flashbacks, you name it. Hopefully your friend can help." We all shared a sad look.

"Ok, to help you heal your minds, I can either erase the memory or block the fear response." The couple looked at each other. "We want to block the fear response. What did you go through. It'll help me figure out how much of my power to use." Frisk inquired. Not only was she trying to help, but she wanted to know what they had done together. "We went to hell, literally. The place where monsters make their home. We lost the two people who helped us the most down there. We saw Hell turn into a humanoid." Frisk nodded. "So first, I need you to focus on that fear, embody it. Let it rule you. It creates a thin magical response that I can sense to get rid of it. Since you kinda went through such an immense hardship and trauma, I can only dull it. Any other symptoms I should know about so we can go through the effects." "We have nightmares. They are flashbacks. We get anxiety attacks and insomnia" Frisk frowned. "I will only be able to rid you of the anxiety. The nightmares will be less direct. Instead of flashbacks, they will be mixed messages, like how a normal person would dream." They smiled. "That's all we can ask for."They sat there for a moment.

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