Chapter 1

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(not my cover art)

This story takes place sometime in season 1 of Young Justice. And in the DP universe, this is set after D-stabilized and before Phantom Planet. Danny has all of the powers he possessed at the end of the siris plus a couple more that I have not mentioned yet.

Sorry if I mess anything up in this story, like the timeline or how the characters act. I have only seen season 1 of Young justice and have not read any of the young justice comics.

Enjoy. <3


Loud crashing could be heard in the distance, a fight between Amity Park's hero Danny Phantom and a rogue ghost that had escaped the ghost zone was being fought. Danny was thrown to the ground cracking the concrete sidewalk on the edge of the road. He looked up rubbing the back of his head while his eyes flashed green in anger.

"How could one ectopus cause so much damage!" He flew up into the air, grabbing the green glowing creature by its tentacles spinning around making enough momentum to have the ghost crash into a building. It landed on the ground I bit dazed by the unexpected blow. After a couple of seconds, it looked back up with anger in its eyes, reaching for Danny. Who in response shot back with a single powerful ectoblast from the ghost boy's hands. Danny's eyes darted around and caught onto his friend who was running frantically towards the fight holding some sort of green and white capsule.

The teenage boy tossed the object to the halfa who spun around opening the lid sucking the low-level ghost into it with a blue beam. Tucker was now laying on the ground next to Danny out of breath. "Sorry man, I am... the tech guy... not the running guy..." He panted. Danny chuckled at his friend.

"Just don't tell Sam that I almost lost to an ectopus while she was away." He helped up Tucker, laughing a bit. "I just need to do one last patrol, I'll take the thermos. You should go home."

"No arguments here. Just don't die while I'm gone."

"Well, I'm already halfway." He gestured towards himself, and Tucker gave back a tired smile. Danny shot into the air waving back at his friend who was slowly ambling away.


He flew around town, searching for any ghosts that could be hiding. Danny glanced down at his wrist where a watch would be, and then at the sky with tired eyes. It was getting late and he really should be getting back soon. Even if he could survive longer with no sleep than a normal human, doesn't mean he should. Besides Jazz would kill him if he did another all-nighter. He was just turning around when something small shot past him nearly clipping his face, the object struck a billboard across the road from him. He flew over to it and pulled out an arrow from the wood, leaving behind a splintered hole where the arrow hit.

Danny held the arrow in his hands examining it. it had a green tip and green and black striped feathers on the back, it was a human arrow not from a ghost, so it couldn't be Shulker trying to get at him again. He looked up to the top of a building where the arrow originated from, and slowly hovered his way there, his wispy tail turning into legs once he got close to the lip of the building. His ears twitching listening for any sign of sound.

He checked over the roof for who or what the arrow originated from. "Phantom." The deep voice scared Danny, making him turn invisible for a second on instinct, looking around for the person that spoke. Two people stepped out of the shadows, one wore a black cape and a recognizable cowl but was still mostly hidden. The other person though had a green hat and a bow and arrow in his hand. Danny now had a pretty good guess where that arrow came from.

Wait A Second, You're Dead?  (DP YJ crossover)Where stories live. Discover now