Chapter 3

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"Why do you have ectoplasm!"

"W-We based most of our experiments off of it." David stammered slightly scared of Danny, holding his hands up in surrender. "Only we call it 'formula X' we were given it from our employers to test with."

Danny groaned in frustration, "No human tests, right?" He asked worriedly, thinking about what being introduced to ectoplasm did to him, even if these were very different circumstances.

"No, only animals, and in small doses. But it makes them 10 times stronger, and gives them excellent camouflage abilities, some of them have been known to have acidic spit that melts through nearly anything when they are agitated."

"Okay we should get out of here, your wound could be infected with any of these chemicals, I need to get a thorough scan." Robin told David, helping him stand up from the ground.

"Who are your employers? Do you know where they got this?" Danny demanded. He was definitely worried about the health of these people. But if others were experimenting on Ectoplasm, that means they probably are also experimenting on ghosts. This could be really bad.

"No, it was all anonymous. We were getting paid enough money to not ask any questions. So, we didn't." Kate explained, walking over to help hold up David as he was trying to stand up with Robin's help.

Kaldur turned looking up at the hole. "We will look into this later, right now we need to get out of here." The rest of the team nodded and left the building in a rush, but still being sure to keep the civilians safe.

Robin looked down at David who was getting considerably weaker by the minutes. "Danny, do you have any healing powers we should know about?"

Danny shook his head, looking down at the pail faced scientist. "No, I can only heal myself. And I don't have anything else that can help."

They just made it outside of the lab as robin started to pull up the map of the island again on his wrist. Suddenly from the shrouded dark bushes in front of them there was a low but very loud growl, and everyone froze in place. It seemed to echo around from every direction. In the bushes directly in front of their path were large glowing red eyes, staring at them, cold and unmoving.

Everyone got battle-ready, bending down ready to fight. Out walked a huge wolf-like creature, with long claws. You would almost call it some sort of werewolf as it tried to stand on its hind legs. It was covered in dark black fur and had what looked like green and black spines all the way down its back. It stood about 7 feet tall, all hunched over. It was extremely skinny, just skin and bones with fur stretched over top. Its teeth showed through a snarl, nearly pure white in color but had ecto-green glowing saliva dripping down off them onto the ground.

Suddenly, a bunch of other much smaller dogs and deformed creatures on all fours walked out surrounding the team. The big one was definitely the Alfa, this was a pack. They all looked sort of similar with the matching spines along their back, green ectoplasm dripping from their mouths. All of the creatures were snarling, waiting for what seemed like a command from their alfa.

"Nice doggy, Good Girl." Danny said weirdly stepping back from the creature that stood directly in front of him. But still keeping himself between the dog and his friends in a protective stance. "Is there anything we need to know about them, like right now!" He called out leaning back a bit. His core felt like it was trying to set off his ghost sense but only barely. It was just a light cold holding in his chest.

The creature threw its paw out swiping at the halfa, who only nearly managed to jump out of the way. "Don't let them bite you! Their acidic saliva will melt straight through bone." Kate called out, hiding behind Kaldur. Conner kicked one of the smaller creatures that got too close to the group in the face launching it back into the forest with a yipe. The big werewolf's head snapped to look at Conner and snarled again.

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