Cp:27 Trip pt.3

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Yoongi looked at now very pale Selena 

Yoongi- What do you mean stuck? I just walked in there's no wa....

He tried to push the door open but it was no use 

Yoongi- Shit!

Yoongi cursed under his breath but was cut off by Selena who took a hold of his arm causing his heart to skip a few beats. A frown found a place on his face after noticing the way she was looking at him with teary eyes. 

Selena- Y-Yoongi...they'll fi-find u-us r-right...

She stuttered badly when Yoongi took a hold of her shaky hands. 

Yoongi- Hey look at me.... 

He said in a soft voice 

Yoongi- We'll be fine they'll know that we are here I said to Jin that I w....

He stopped after realising that Jin was going on a date with Namjoon 

Yoongi- Damn it! Jin probably already went on a date with Namjoon.

Suddenly Selena's breathing started quickening she pulled away her hands from Yoongi's larger ones and started panicking 

Selena- I n-need to get o-out of here....SOMEONE HELP!!!! WE ARE STUCK!!! 

She banged the door when a loud ''beep'' sound was heard 

Yoongi- What was that? 

A tears started rolling down Selena's face but Yoongi was fast to pull her in a hug 

Yoongi- Why are you crying princess? We'll be fine I promise... 

He said but he was quite surprised by her sudden behaviour

Selena- Y-you don't understand, t-this place is like a freezer, the t-temperature will go down in minutes and we.... 

She removed Yoongi's hands aways from her and went to sit in the corner, knees close to her chest and started crying even harder. Yoongi gulped hard, his heart was aching because this was the first time he saw Selena like this and it was the sight he never wanted to see again. Shaking away his thoughts he crunched down next to her and embraced her. Her broken cries were enough for him to start crying too. 

Selena- W-we will d-die...No one wi-will find us...I-I can't do t-this again...I can't a-anymore

She sobbed into Yoongi's neck 

'' Again? What's that supposed to mean? '' He thought and quickly wiped his tears then slowly cupped her cheeks making her to look up at him, but her eyes were unfocused. She was looking everywhere. 

Yoongi- Princess look at me. Just me...

She hesitantly looked at him 

Yoongi- You don't have to be afraid. I'm here with you and I'll never let anything bad to happen to you. 

She blinked when he gently kissed away the tears on her cheeks. 

Yoongi- Do you trust me? 

What actually surprised him was that she nodded without wasting any second. A small smile found its place on Yoongi's face. 

Yoongi- We'll get out of here. Okay? 

She nodded again 

Yoongi- Don't worry..
Time skip a few hours later 

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