Cp:25 Trip pt.1

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Jeju island 

Taehyung regretted saying many things in life, but right now he regret ever saying that he wanted to do a matching tattoo with Jungkook. Who would've thought that Jungkook will get so excited about that. As soon as they arrived at Jeju, he started pulling Taehyung toward the closest tattoo place. 

Taehyung- I'm pretty much sure that Jimin needed me to help him with something. 

He said turning away from the door and trying his best to escape but Jungkook being Jungkook caught him right away. 

Jungkook- Come on baby, I promise it doesn't hurt that much.

Taehyung glared at him

Taehyung- Yeah it's easy for you to say that Mr. I was born with tattoos.....

He said with a pout making Jungkook to chuckle 

Jungkook- We're gonna do it at the same time, I'll hold your hand 

Taehyung's eyes lit up a bit,  but he was still scared 

Taehyung- Promise? 

Jungkook kissed his pout away 

Jungkook- Promise. 

He said and minutes later both were looking at the different designs that were in front of them, while they were searching for a perfect one Taehyung told to the tattoo artist all about how he and Jungkook met. 

??- I think that I have something perfect for you.....

He said causing Taehyung to jump in excitement 

??- But I want you to trust me, can you? 

Both Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other then nodded 

Jungkook- Make it good bro.

??- Sure....now come sit.

After a two hours of Taehyung's whining and Jungkook's laughing, tattoos were finished. 

??- Okay now stay next to each other and stick out your arms 

Taehyung- I....

He tried to speak looking at their arms 

Taehyung- I love it.....

Left- Taehyung/ Right- Jungkook 

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Left- Taehyung/ Right- Jungkook 

Jungkook- See I told you that you'll like it...

Taehyung- It's so pretty.

He gave a big hug to the artist who just laughed at his cuteness, let's just say that Jungkook had to pull him back out of the place. 

Taehyung- Maybe I should get another one? Or one at my jaw, or something like that....

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